
What's funny, is "back in the day" I was mostly a PC gamer. I had a SEGA Genesis and N64, but darned if I didn't ignore them a lot to enjoy the sweet wonders of WASD + spacebar controls.

Definitely. I only wish they'd do the same thing as the Humble Bundle where you can up your amount after the fact.

No kidding, with the exchange rate, I paid $14 for MC during the alpha and don't regret it. I'd have to pay something like $30 now.

Yeah, the (edit: original wording of the) article isn't (wasn't) worded clearly, it's never been officially advertised as a classic "pay-what-you-want" promo; this isn't the Humble Bundle. It's more of a "pay-the-minimum-or-more" promo.

True, but then, it's not like he changed his legal name at all, much less to something like Ram A. Pussy or Conads B. Tastee, and thus, should obviously EXPECT a backlash.

Though, to be fair, Growing Pains had a guy named Boner. lol

A lawyer... named Dick Boner... and to think, most people ALREADY get screwed by lawyers.

*raises hand*

I clean my controllers ever few months. I've found the edge of a 3x5 card (or any small piece cardstock, really) works best and doesn't scratch up the plastic.

On the upside, if they're really making all this fast cash from remakes, that potentially gives them the funds they need to even make new games.

Y'know, I don't think it would be impossible if, when bringing up the idea of a remake, instead of talking along the lines of XIII-style characters and environments, if Squenix and fans alike would think more along the lines of those Monkey Island remakes.

"Okami HD with PS Move support."

Buh, wha... why? That's just wrong.

Reckoning, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Xenoblade, Ni No Kuni, and now The Last Story . . . seriously, am I dreaming? Any ONE of these coming out in a year would be enough to scratch my RPG itch, but ALL in the SAME year? Wow.

This pretty much sums up my feelings on HD re-releases in general and the Ico/SotC Collection specifically.

This is what I'm wondering. I've ACTUALLY played the game, not merely the trial, but that's only because I won an unlock code for it. I was certainly curious before how similar it was, but was never 180 Space Points curious.

Hurr-durr, I'm the average counterpoint Kotaku commenter who didn't read the article to notice that people aren't upset the guy made a clone game to make some money in general. But are frustrated that the man has the gall to say it's not a clone.

Let's see, Notch freely admits the Infiniminer origins, Infiniminer is defunct while Minecraft is not, Craft vs. Craft is a lot more of a copy than Miner vs. Mine, FC actually LOOKS like Minecraft down to the textures...

I won FortressCraft in a contest and have spent a great deal more time with it than a trial offers.

I'm not the one twisting words. You're the one who made the same, tired cookie-cutter reply I've seen 100 times in regards to what Kickstarter is and is not, in a sad attempt to be a smart-ass. The word "invest" has multiple meanings, not a unilateral one. Now, if you genuinely weren't aware of that, you are now.