teh jokr

sources in the room then leaked Spicer’s meeting about leaks to Politico

When the insurgency starts I hope they grab his ass too

If this wasn’t the real world it would be a fucking excellent sitcom.

Jesus was known for keeping company with more than one outcast from society.

Yes. I was trying to figure out how to talk to my dad about LGBT rights and the only compelling thing I could think of was saying hey dad I’m gay. Now what? Is it ok for me to be fired for that reason alone? His position is that it’s his duty to tell people who aren’t being godly that it’s not ok and he and Jesus

The only moral abortion is my abortion. The only time I do not insult Obamacare is when my insurance is cut. The only time I promote gay rights is when my child comes out to me.

THIS. If I have to worry about a student bringing a gun into my classroom, then they sure as fuck should have the same concerns. Welcome to the world you’ve forced the rest of us to live in, fuckwads.

Alien was so seminal to my childhood- my first, real, terrifying Big Bad- so I will always give a new Aliens movie a shot. This looks at least true to the original.

I *like* this. It’s a tone scene. Very clearly trying to recapture the feel of the first ALIEN, down to the fake-out. Maybe an odd clip to drop in advance but I’m rooting for this one.

No, they’re form of medicine is the same as how we fixed TVs in the 80s.

So remake of Alien down to the Cowboy hat ?

These people just have no fucking concept of picking their battles. Gold star families, POWs, The Anne Frank Center; any functioning 8 year old could have looked at those situations and said “yea, I’ll sit this one out.” But no, 45&co aren’t smart enough for that.

I beg to differ. He has two modes. “I hate the world and I will make them pay” and smug. What you are seeing here is the “I hate the world” mode.

It’s dictator chic.

No he’s not angry in this pic. He’s just spacing out. The man has the attention span of a 3-yr old child.

The thing is, if he makes it out of this without any truly horrendous results (unlikely) we will have to listen to years of “I was, frankly, the greatest president ever. That’s what they tell me...” Our only hope of avoiding that fate is him in a prison jumpsuit or total global destruction. Small prices to pay, sure,

There is never any discernible joy on this toad’s face. Never. Sad.