
Frances McDormand won the fucking night. Sadly, not the jetski. And even if it was an obvious win, Coco is still so well deserved.

What the fuck people.

That was my immediate assumption and I got pretty psyched about it. I just imagined Kathryn Hahn and Jillian Bell replacing Ferrell and Reilly, it would be glorious.

This woman is Liz Lemon:

When anyone talks about veganizing cats, I just drown them out by yelling “TAURINE!” over and over. I hope one day at least one of them will look it up.

Monique- True polyamory is not always not honest, open, and mindful. Just like in other relationships, it can be hurtful and unkind. Just because people choose polyamory, it does not omit their humanity and ability to falter. I will admit that the character portrayed was one-dimensional in the series and there are

I love when child rape apologists say “oh but what if they are still together and have kids and it was true love?” If the foundation for your love is child rape, it’s not true love. It doesn’t matter if the victim is Stockholm Syndromed enough to be with you when they grow up. That doesn’t mean you didn’t commit a

No but you are a piece of shit for suggesting that people with herpes do not have “normal sex lives” and trying to hide behind some “stigma” bullshit.

These are good comments. So sick of this stigmatizing bullshit.

1. She contracted oral herpes

I think she thinks she’s needy because when she talks to people about wanting someone to love her deeply, they tell her that marriage isn’t all that great anyway. Which, whatever. She wasn’t really talking about that.

I disagree in part to the answer to Knuckles Deep: If she’s enjoying herself, then yeah, marriage might not be the endgame. But if that’s where she would like to be headed, and he won’t acknowledge that and affirm it, he’s not really “all in” on their relationship. He’s not saying, “I see your point but I don’t really

No. No you do not blow up a marriage that you are not a partner in, ever, unless someone is being physically or mentally abused.

I think the suggestion that he’s gay is totally off-base. Men have low libidos too, and men can be fussy about sex too. It’s harmful to presume that every low-libido man is actually gay, since it forces performative gender roles on men and women and leads to people talking around or dismissing the actual issue causing

Maybe I’m alone but Theon’s “beat me like a punching bag” beach fight just seemed sad. All the important people are handling dragon fire, insane siblings with undead murderslaves, and an army set to extinguish all life, and I’m supposed to cheer because Theon finally stood up to a bully? Eh.

Confession: the more I hear this song, the more I like it. I don’t want to like it but the heart wants what it wants.

He’s “so brave” what a “gentleman”. Gee I wonder if there’s been fetishes and porn around for basically everything since the beginning of time.

oh, fuck. i totally experienced that this week.

I love you anyway.