
Yeah, reading this thread as a queerio made me pretty uncomfortable. Obvi I don't know how everyone here identifies, but it comes across as a bunch of straight people telling queer people how they should act, and acting like other people coming out and it being a big deal is bothering them. But like, it is a big

I've had implanon for about a year and I really love it. I have spotting but no actually periods or the accompanying cramps, and it's easy to completely forget that it's there. It is honestly the best form of birth control (for me) but also, I live in Australia and thus it cost me $5, which meant that if anything

regardless of the gender of the person you're married to, for women honorifics relate to marital status, and that isn't something that should be important for your title. As well, it implies gender is important for professional situations. And some people can feel very uncomfortable being called gendered words,

I just commented this to someone else, but here:

There are people, such as myself, who don't feel comfortable with Mr or Mrs because they are gendered and they don't feel comfortable being addressed as that or any gender, as well as trans people who identify as say Mr, but get mail addressed to Mrs because changing your gender on official forms can be very

So as they are a small minority they don't deserve this? Unfortunately there isn't really a third option, and changing how you want to be addressed and your gender at university can be ungodly difficult. This is great not only for NB's but also trans people who won't be misgendered, as many places have difficult

I don't know if anyone will see this but I like it. I get pretty uncomfortable having to click the Miss box and I definitely won't click the Mr box, and if there isn't a third gender neutral option available, this seems reasonable. Also it will cut down on people being misgendered which is always a bonus. I know

Online Songs is my favourite and I just wanted you to know.

I don't understand the extreme hatred for this woman. Bringing a sickly animal that is not hers anywhere would be stressful, and her response wasn't ideal, but absolutely far from terrible. If someone had abandoned a dog on me that appeared to be in terrible shape and I was far from home and with a child, I only

only living in Sydney and Melbourne, and only compared to some parts in the US. Average rent in say NYC is so much more expensive than here, and rent in country Australia is very affordable.

I was getting paid this much a year ago, when the Australian dollar was worth more than the USD.

I doubt anyone will see this, but I make $20/hr working at McDonalds and the prices of food are only slightly more expensive here than in America. Australia has a lot of problems but at least I can pay my rent.

That is incredible.

Yeah me too!! I sometimes can tell when I'm about to get my period (which is very irregular) because I would start getting cramps after orgasms.

I'm queer and still constantly manage unfortunate wardrobe choices :|

because he is from QLD

where I lived, in Australia, it was originally done through schools only for girls (my generation, only a couple of years ago) but now they are doing it for boys and girls cause my brother is getting it through his school. Yay socialised medicine!!

Brittany from the early nineties here :P did you ever read the book Freakanomics? One chapter goes through how names evolve and move down through classes and it actually uses the name Brittany as an example which was pretty awesome to read about, if not just proving I was named when it was very popular amongst the

This is exactly how my last month has gone omgod!

Am I the only person who thinks Lena Dunham is actually really pretty? I was so confused when she was getting hate for how she looks, I think she's gorgeous.