
the top card in the picture is Russian (sberbank)- you were hacked :)



I am listening and twerking while I am working!!!

don’t buy phones made in China. Buy phones Apple made in China.

I remember you. You broke my heart, you bastard.

I hear you, but I suspect alcohol and cycling are somewhat different. I met a lot of people that ruined their life with alcohol. I’ve never met anyone that ruined their life with cycling. I am sure there are some but I just never met them :)

this way you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes

:) I freaking LOVE LOVE LOVE this movie

here is a simple test. Try to pause drinking for a month. See if you can do it. If you cannot do it, you have an issue. It might be a psychological or physical addiction but you have an addiction.

Dear Ben, how are you doing?


I am not sure exactly what you mean by “publication prep abilities” but let’s say you know how to publish books on Kindle (very easy to learn), you can publish your own books, provide service to others, make and sell a video course, etc. Same thing with any other skill. You don’t need certificates. For example, no one

You need to make a list of all of your skills, things you know. What do people pay you to do? What are your hobbies? How many languages do you know? Are you good with computers? Are you good with video or photo equipment? are you good with any kind of a tool, device, machine, etc? Do you know any things other people

how can I help you?

I don’t know but I will ask your mom

Does practicing mediation peaks your interested in Buddhism? yes. But it doesn’t mean you have to give up your own religion to practice some of the things Buddhism teaches. Buddhism is not the religion but rather a philosophy. If you practice Christianity from the perspective of “Who do we love?” and not “Who do we


How did you learn to read so early?

if your job pays the bills but you are no happy just start a side business. It will make you feel better about yourself, teach you new skills and also might give you an opportunity to own your own business.