
damn. mind blown. Thank You Very Much.

my twitter account is also connected to my facebook account so the post went to both places.

Just did my #Iwill post on Twitter. This is my way of telling you that you and what you experienced is important to me. I hear you about the parents. Often parents are not the best at support. The most important thing is to get to the other side. I know it is not easy. I am not there yet either.

OK. I think me responding to you only makes you angrier. I will not respond anymore. I am not ignoring you as a human being but I am choosing to ignore whatever has possessed you today.

ere is my concern: We will keep on #ing while HW will chill out in Europe in sex rehab. He then comes back, retires and enjoys profits of the company. He is following a basic containment protocol, 1. Disappears in rehab (he went to Europe as if there are not rehabs in USA) 2. Lets everything calm down 3. comes back

You are just having a bad day today and want to hurt someone. I will not be your punching bag today. I am sorry you feel this way. Life sometimes gets to us. I hope tomorrow will be better. Be Well.

I didn’t read most of your post but I did like where you say that I am spot on. So I love you and I hope you will have a GREAT DAY!!!

How activism has “progressed”
Before: People volunteer and fought the injustice in person. Got arrested for it. Fucked up their careers (I know I did)

I keep thinking about this. The biggest problem is that this is a new normal. If my Grandfather saw someone wearing Nazi symbol he would have shot them. I shit you not. I live in New York so I don’t see anyone wearing Nazi symbols in the open but I am honestly not sure what I would have done. But I do think I would be

Most of my relatives died in WWII. I really didn’t think we would need to discuss Nazis in 2017.


I will ask Mensa for one more spot for you. Be Well.

We require video instructions. The balls are in your court.

This article is written by a male writer.

Please read this about his donations (of course none of them had the ethical responsibility to know the donor, because this would be just crazy). Meryl Streep called him her GOD. Here is a bottom line. If I know someone is being abused (sexually or physical), I will speak up. If I don’t speak up, I am participating in

Here is my biggest problem with all of this. He was not in a conservative industry (like pharma or weapons). He was in the most liberal group of people you can imagine. They all knew what was happening. This is a really tight community. So no matter how time they repeat “I didn’t know”. He gave the most of his

I don’t care about “their lives” I am here specifically about Louis C.K.

Sorry. When I was writing I was thinking (somehow) of Roman Polanski. Let me rephrase this. Fucking your own step-daughter is a pedophile move to me. You just got away with it. Louis CK has no business of being in this lineup. Do you not agree?