Thank You Very Much. Let me copy this into my onenote. I will give you credit :)
Thank You Very Much. Let me copy this into my onenote. I will give you credit :)
I need the dry environment, my lungs are crap. I am in New York now and the humidity is killing me. I did a project in Jerusalem and it was good. Hot and dry. I am staying in NY because of my daughter but once it is time to switch schools I thinking about moving.
If you do work without the sun, and this is very serious (take heavy doses of D vitamin) and ask your doctor to check your D vitamin levels. D vitamin can really mess you up.
Not seeing the sun all day really gets to you after a while. I did a project where I did not see the sun during the week and sometimes not even on weekends.When I saw the sun it actually looked strange to me :)
family photo
Is this a challenge I hear? Shall we start with “your mama” jokes?
nature abhors a vacuum - when you have nothing to write, you just write anything. they needed something to wrote about :)
you had me at “Alright, I’ll bite” everything else was just a bonus.
Is this article a follow up to “James Comey Is Not Hot” article?
Daily Stoic is a good book for daily Stoic reading.
“ ... I needed to do rise to her challenge ... “
I don’t use vibrate because I have other things vibrating my pocket
I have one word for you: juicero. I think you can do a better job :)
I like how you think. I think there would a market for such product. I don’t know your experience level but you feel comfortable you should test it out in a crowdfunding environment. See if there is an interest. I would buy one.
If a fellow lifehacker has a company that makes products for babies and kids, would you be interested in writing about this? (asking for a friend)
unless Israel asked him to leak it on purpose :)
what does it mean to sound Caucasian? I am an immigrant so I would like to learn how to do that.
what do you do to make yourself sound caucasian?