
What about The Iron Giant???

You know what was a great movie? L. A. Confidential.

That’s not a bad take, that is the worst take.

outstanding social tv expericnece. hope this help’s

She’s the most talented, whipsmart, fearless sports presenter to come along since who knows when.
The first time I saw her on TV, I actually called people to tell them to turn on the show.
Even if they don’t have any actual ideas they could just reboot Garbage Time on a channel that people are watching.
Katie’s like a

Yeah, this whole ‘Mooch, baby!’ thing that was going on for a few weeks was fun and all, but anybody who sees it as anything more than an ‘unknown becomes known for a bit, then immediately reveals utter unsuitability for job, along with the fact that he’s a reprehensible asshole of a human, then slinks back off into

“I don’t see color” makes me see red, because it’s the most insidious of the group. Like, if you’ve never thought about culture, it sounds good a first blush, but it’s super, super harmful and an utter lie.

Let’s remember some guys!

Here’s hoping for a Yankees loss or a 17 inning game involving at least 2 Yankees starters.

At the end of a 2:20 marathon, the brain has largely turned off, so I can see how it’s possible.

Hey, can you help me load this couch into my van?

This is like the quintessential expression of thoughts and prayers.

Billy overdosed on oxy last week.

A Sixers post on Deadspin. I’m sure this won’t spawn 200 tired ‘Process’ jokes in the comments.

Newton should send his game check to Gilmore for that mind-bogglingly idiotic penalty Gilmore committed on a play where Newton was sacked and they’d have to punt the ball to Brady with the score tied and 2 minutes left in the game. Instead, 5 yards, automatic first down, GW drive extended.

Power is the energy it took to read a loquacious explanation, over time.