
I’m terrified of two things automotive.

Every time I’m driving and notice a questionable noise or smell, I assume it must come from my car, which is about to explode.

That every bridge I drive over is going to collapse PRECISELY as I cross it and send me plummeting in to the river below.

So many people? Thus far I see one pending comment mentioning poverty as a possible reason.

A wild fedora-guy appears!

oh man is this a real post

Is this post satire?

Just gonna drop this here:

Some of these visuals, such as the human settlements, are tailor-made, but Beek estimates that about 80% of Horizon’s natural landscape is procedurally generated.

I have a new gaming computer (like, brand new) and I’ve had a couple of freezes so far - I had to reboot as I couldn’t control-alt-delete to the desktop. I’ve heard that running in windowed mode helps considerably. My latest issue is that it was telling me this morning that the game hasn’t released yet - yet I was

One sentence later: “It’s more pure in purpose than the hot hatches and more pragmatic than the convertibles, though it is small.” Which is true. At the end of the day, this is RWD and those are not.

You come here for the news?

My neighbor is throwing onions into a chainsaws again.

I’m not crying shut the fuck up you’re the one who’s crying.


the price we pay for good steering gets steeper and steeper

Another fascinating story about EVE. I’ll likely never play it, but I do love reading about it.

I thought Dragon Age: Inquisition was great. Dunno why people have soured on it over time. Obviously it had some issues (epitomized by the Hinterlands) but I really enjoyed the combat, story, and characters. (Iron Bull!)

Not being first doesn’t excuse this crap. The console is incredibly poorly built, by Nintendo’s standards. They’re usually great about this stuff. And funny enough, Sony and MS seemed to have learned their lessons, because this generation has been devoid of widespread RRoD type failures.