
I don’t know if it’s perspective but it looks like the Y is actually gonna be a good bit bigger. Here’s a Y next to a 3 (with a Versa in between for scale):

You really love to go full negative. Model S and X are stagnant cause lower range models got discontinued and Model 3 cannibalization. But even with that they are selling just fine in their market segment.

When you pull into a charging spot in NJ, by law does some attendant have to plug the car in for you?

I imagine that Jalopnik staffers are currently rolling around on the floor as they do not yet have a grave to turnover in.

Lol. I love the verbal backflips you’re jumping though to explain this rather than just admit they missed the mark. They had almost 8 years to study, refine, and learn from Tesla and other EVs and they missed the mark. Even at twice the price, its questionable if the Porsche is better - and that means its a fail. It

But that’s partially because Porsche is not willing to make the trade-off between range and reliability that Tesla is, as contributor Mack Hogan has explained.

When Tesla screws up: Jalopnik goes out of its way to remind people how bad of a misstep it is. Repeatedly.

The only problem with this is that for EVs, range is a performance stat - as important as any other. And every Porsche enthusiast is going to want their EV to outperform the competition when they pull into the local EV car show. What wont do is having some smug Tesla owner talking about how his car not only goes as

So how big was the check from Porsche? 

The “expert” who thinks Tesla’s drivetrains are more efficient because they don’t care about reliability is laughably full of Shiite. In the last few years Tesla’s motors and batteries have been quite solid. Unlike my Mercedes which had a transmission replaced at 20k miles, or my 2016 Cayenne, which had a replacement

Sorry Justin, I’m not buying this part:

Essentially, traditional manufacturers have customers that are less likely to accept drive unit failures, battery replacements and quality concerns that Tesla early adopters often write off as a small price to pay for a car from the future.

Nearly a decade and still no real competitor to the Model S.. at any price given how expensive this car is in the top-trim...

Why does it matter if “electric vehicle testing is complicated”. As long as the EPA applies it’s rules across the board for all electric car manufacturers, why give Porsche special treatment?

It is amazing how many articles there are on Jalopnik that exist just to bash Tesla, but with the porsche you go out of your way to defend it.

I’m starting to like that thing. Seriously.

Honestly, I like it. I think Blade-Runner/Total Recall/Delorean retro-futurism is a lot cooler than the formless tacticool bullshit for red sweaty dads looking like thumbs with goatees that passes for trucks today.

ok boomer

I don’t think the writers here don’t like it. It’s just...weird?

My whole life I’ve wanted car companies to make their concept cars but they never do and I always wondered why. Well the comments show why, because people are full of crap. People say they want a futuristic car or something out of bladerunner. They say they want something unique but at the end of the day they buy a