If you have a manageable monthly payment with a competitive interest rate, you are far better off paying down other debts with that extra cash or investing it into something that will get you a return.
If you have a manageable monthly payment with a competitive interest rate, you are far better off paying down other debts with that extra cash or investing it into something that will get you a return.
You kind of blew my mind there, where are you living that the property taxes are higher than the mortgage?
I think that’s the interesting part, it seems that this cross-section of would primarily be people who would be able to use the e-bike for commuting and light shopping rather than pure recreation.
I’m betting they did have exchanges in the opinions sections, and I’m betting they were 1000x less embarrassing for everybody who read them.
Death to all gas leaf blowers immediately. They are the worst.
wow. Don’t boats depreciate even faster than cars too?
Most folks need crossovers. You know how I know? Because most folks buy crossovers.
My guess is that they keep the 50% POC quota but they weight it within that closer to the US split. I think 13% of americans are black, and this year BB was 37% black. I bet they put more Hispanic Americans and less black people.
He crushed it, left no doubt in anybody’s mind, even Kyland couldn’t vote against him.
100/200k is a fine limit
Took me a while to think of what you were referring to.
Some Honda’s (I think the CRZ) had green-blue-red, and the red was when you were really hooning that 100hp car.
Call me crazy, but I’d rather bump them all up to 21.
Agreed, this bizarre 3 milestones of adulthood in the US (16, 18, 21) needs to stop.
and with the arm, you could open the kitchen window and just dump it trough straight into the kitchen!
David is actually out in Colorado putting the R1T through its paces as we speak, maybe he can ask them what exactly happened here?
Provided I had already paid off all debts and had a solid rainy day fund, I’d do it at normal people salaries, and have been really jealous of the (2) people I’ve seen do it.
I always add “or wear a badge”
I’ll show you one better. K&N puts a 17mm “nut” on the end of theirs for easy removal with a socket and ratchet.
this got me curious and I found the following in the comments of a flag on amazon.