Cigarette Butt Plug

RIP the real Deadspin.

And you wouldn’t look into suing Castrol for it either.

I wouldn’t count on this affecting the V wagon market at all.

I’ve heard the folllowing, “you aren’t paying me for a 10 minute job, you are paying for the years of training and experience that make it only a ten minute job.”

I’m a father of two and have all time traps you listed, but I’d still do one at a time, once a week or so after the kids are in bed. I get paid well, but not $200/hr well, and I’ve already got all the tools, so I’d do it and save the money for stuff I can’t do myself.

I’ve never lived in an area with toll roads

The lack of force holding you in the seat on turns is what I immediately thought of. I bet it really trains you to use your legs more.

I haven’t heard number 1 before, but... I think I like it.

Yes! GVW, I think its pretty well established that the function of weight to road wear is exponential, a mileage based tax should be too using weight. Then there might be some incentive to motorcycles, smaller cars, or just cars, instead an F150 to haul a laptop to the office.

My Cutlass had GM badges on the side of the car I think. As well as the keys of course.

Oh. You are the other person who bought a TourX, our Great Dane fits in the cargo area well enough.

Yeah still depends on your ability to drill. Currently, I’m in Phoenix where you often find Caliche (a form of calcium carbonate and it is so hard you can actually see sparks fly off your shovel if you try to dig into it) less than 10 feet below ground. It’s a major reason why we don’t have basements out here, so YMMV.

Woah! Thank you

To my knowledge geothermal is very dependent upon your location andthe ground beneath it much of the US doesn’t have suitable land for it to work as a primary source.

With the increase in deliveries as people try to stay home, many victims are delivery drivers making drop-offs, Inspector Corey said.

Ive got maybe 30-40 different spices in my pantry and maybe only 2 are blends, I blend on the spot. What I dont get about Genetta’s spice rack is why are the containers so big? Too much air in those once they get low and that will oxidize faster. I buy the smallest containers I can unless its something I use a ton of

You don’t even have to leave Arizona to visit the Japanese internment camps used recently enough that some detainees are still living. I’d think that’d be a solid reminder of how quickly the tables can turn.

If that’s not peak Scottsdale, I don’t know what is.

Ok, so if DJT is 6'2". I’m going to place Barron at 6'6" at 14yo. Good lord man.