Cigarette Butt Plug

I had one, donated it. ROI is hard to calculate depending what prices you buy your soda at. I only do on sale $0.25/12oz, and I don’t think I ever broke even over 3 years. The syrup isn’t the easiest to find and is never quite as good as what it is imitating and the CO2 refills are expensive. In the end it was only

Wood chips in a mason jar, set outside in the Arizona sun for a few days, whiskey.

That was not the argument I was responding to. I was responding to your scapegoating of the UAW.

Or you could do better at the other 95% of the job. Purchasing, planning, operations, manufacturing, finance, logistics, engineering, marketing.


This, The Washington Post has an article today about the “Excess Deaths” during this pandemic. I.E. Deaths above the seasonal expected that are not accounted directly to COVID. Undoubtably some are actually COVID, but I expect many were “more reasonable fucks” having other health emergencies that didnt want to risk a

When this is compiled into a list of the best ones. I will not give Spanfeller the click to slide two if it is in that god awful new format.

Given the profit margin is so high, I would expect prices to fall before volume does.

At the massive corporation where I work it all boils down to the top guy who “just is a work from work guy”. I don’t expect that man to change is mind. Even at the office, most of my calls are at the desk over the phone to include the people from 2 and 3 timezones away.

Whoever approved this layout needs to be disciplined.

This might be a matter or perspective, I’m seeing people buy NEW cars at 20%+ interest rates. There is a lot of room between a $5000 used car and a 2020 Ford Escape at 20% APR.

I think the goal then would be to spend less on the car in the first place.

Anecdotal, but when my wife started working from home we went down to one car. Both cars were rarely out of the driveway at the same time. I agree this may happen on a wider scale.

top trim level 2018s are in the mid 20s now. Not sure what you’re budget is, but maybe.

I’m in the market for a wagon, and thought of this but the auto ones are still going for $40k+ and the manual ones are still in the $50k+ range. Holy hell, in 2013 I had the opportunity (but not the money) to buy one for $53k, its crazy to have a new car that depreciates ZERO over 7 years.

I think it would look better that way

Could you counter with some absurd condition.

There’s a company that if I worked for I’d be actively looking for a way out right now.

It wouldn’t be merry.

I was thinking Bureau of Labor Statistics. But not sure they would be the source for consumer price indexes.