I’m really just arguing for a different method, not really the number. If 1M or 800k fits your fancy that’s a different issue.
I’m really just arguing for a different method, not really the number. If 1M or 800k fits your fancy that’s a different issue.
intuit website that was linked below says $47k. Either way, far from $100k.
Thanks mate, So it’s like my original comment.
I guess I’m not sure. Maybe you’re right and its “if you file taxes you get it back”.
I have a problem with the tax credit being tied to a manufacturer. In this case the credit seems to have worked in prodding GM to provide an electric car people want to buy, and now they are going to be at a competitive disadvantage against Nissan and anybody else who hasn’t taken the lead in this. Seems a better way…
As long as you pay more than $7500 in taxes a year you see it all back. That doesn’t require $100k
I understand the final point here but I really don’t like the reasoning of “Republicans behave badly and blow the budget, why can’t we?”
How do you expect the customer to know what their management is doing?
I have two kids, one in a rear facing seat. The four of us fit just fine with a stroller and all the other kid crap in the trunk of both a Chevy sonic and a 2nd gen Honda insight. I’m not small either, 6'0" 200lbs. Compacts are perfectly fine for families who dont need to impress the Jones.
18 me and 27 me both are telling the cop to get off his soapbox. 100 on an interstate is no big deal. Most rural interstates I have driven on have an traffic pace of 75 to 95. Ohio for me was always just set the cruise to 78 even though the limit is 65 and you’re right with traffic.
The grays were initially created because people were tired of rape gifs being posted on all of the Jezebel posts. Whats down there today is tame by comparison.
“Allow me to work from home”
You just firmly defined how white my family’s mac is. Bread, check, velveta, check, box mix, no.
I live in Arizona and want to do a motorcycle trip to France. We would depart northeast through Canada and then take a ferry to Newfoundland and another ferry to the French islands of St Pierre and Miquelon. There I would ride around a bit, then head home through the a different route than I came.
Christmas Eve - Not a holiday, stores are packed with morons who waited until the last day to go shopping.
Big Daddy is the best
Being small has its advantages. Remember swinging your legs up and locking them around the chain, swinging upside down? That’s a great way to decapitate yourself as an adult.
It will remove wax though. So only do it if you are planning on putting a new coat of polish and wax. Otherwise your paint will fade and chip easier.
Oooo I HATE the paint palette rules. Nobody walks away from a house because a neighbors house is yellow. If that person does exist, and they do walk away, good! I don’t want to live next to that person.
I don’t think it is a law. It’s probably just a best practice for safety. I’d bet if a president preferred it to golf they could have a solo track day without being murdered by the secret service.