Cigarette Butt Plug

I googled that and noticed they only used high school teacher salaries. Do elementary and middle school teachers usually make less than high school teachers?

Yeah. Back when Lanesplitter was awesome and run by Sean MacDonald he had one that the brakes were way under powered from the factory. Even at full grip the front wheel never came close to locking.

I like that. I’m always perplexed why there are very few (guessing less than 10%) aftermarket motorcycle exhausts that have a catalytic converter available. Maybe I want a little bit of extra power without poisoning my neighbors at a 10x rate.

Bugatti is for sure going to build an SUV. They’d sell like crazy at $600k.

The real thing that made it so much above value is that it just had the engine replaced under warranty the month before. Those engines were time bombs and it cost about $5k to get a new one in.

KBB is ridiculous. I dont buy and sell often but I sold my RX8 for $9k when the KBB was $3.5k and my sonic for $12k when the KBB was $9k. Whenever somebody sites book value I put approximately 0 weight on it.

I know ‘B’ and ‘N’ are right next to each other, but they are hit by different hands. ‘N’ is quite a long reach for the left index finger.

Keep the original turn 8, remove the back straight chicane, maybe the front chicane also.

That is special

That man should run for president

I sold a car and began using a motorcycle as the primary vehicle, same thing. I save thousands per year on depreciation and insurance and hundreds on fuel.

Yup. Second mistake was accepting the answer given.

This isn’t a switch of everyone is gas one day and everyone is electric the next day. You can start small and scale as demand does.

Definitely a case of ignorance is bliss. Every place does this, people in my hometown of 40k would complain about it being so dangerous when a murder hadn’t happened in 8 years. People do it in suburban Phoenix too “better bring your gun if you’re going to go to (that perfectly nice) mall”. I lived in Detroit for a

I didnt replace my car either. Now we have 1 car and 3 bikes for a family of four. One car is all we need to transport the kids and get groceries. The motorcycles are the clear choice for going to work.

I have 3 motorcycles and no cars, ride every day, and hold an irrational hatred for the flashing front lights. I can’t explain why, but it really makes me rage.

Author got it wrong. It’s 3v3

I got impatient and settled for a gray car instead of the $500 more expensive green or blue that I would have had to order. I regretted that every single time I looked into the parking lot and couldn’t distinguish my chromophobic car from everyone else’s chromophobic car.

Is DC quick charging standard? How many amps doesit accept from a level two charger? Can 4 year old in a car seat fit behind a 6'0" driver? Is the stereo a standard size?