What is the advantage other than being free to sleeping under a billboard?
What is the advantage other than being free to sleeping under a billboard?
I cant get rid of my Lemons, Limes, or Figs. Take them. But don’t touch my pomegranates.
Virginia Tech
Federal gas tax was last raised in 1993! Inflation alone cuts that in real value. Add in that we have more cars that are heavier and more fuel efficient and there is your problem. Raise the gas tax - heavily, index it, repair the roads.
You’re not mentioning the Audi’s higher depreciation, insurance, tax, registration, and fuel costs.
A running car like that is a good thing to point to when people say “But that was so long ago, people aren’t crazy racists any more!” It wasn’t that long ago. My Grandpa WWII vet is still alive, and this car still runs. We aren’t talking about the fall of Rome.
“I am listening to a bunch of vile, misogynistic, and overall awfulness to great production value. Yeah, that’s most of hip-hop”
Thank god some of the parents I know aren’t teaching their kids finance. Then they would really be screwed.
In my opinion the Diablo SV is the Lambo to beat. I cannot defend that, but it’s the Lambo my heart wants.
I had an RX-8 that would lose compression and shut the engine off after exiting the interstate during the Phoenix summer.
Money, and the physical space it takes up.
I commute by motorcycle. I’m going home on a 3 lane each way surface road in the left most lane with nobody near me. Ahead, somebody decides to do a stupid and common maneuver here in metro Phoenix where you check left, pull into the center of the road, then check right and merge into a left turn. I hate this. I hated…
Maybe if the garage were to empty out silently over the course of a year or so you could fit cars in there.
People with garages full of cardboard boxed junk drive me nuts.
I really hope there is a way to put rear jump seats in it like the E350 wagon
The best vessel for beer is a 1/2 barrel keg inside of direct draw kegerator with good interior air circulation and tower cooling.
“No more money to drop into [the car]” ——-> “It’s a money pit”
That is a period correct example and is awesome.
Just because all gases meet the minimum requirements doesn’t mean they are created equal. Several OEMs including Chevy and BMW recommend TopTier certified fuel. http://www.toptiergas.com/
I tried to find if his BMI (44.5) is really 95th percentile. There is basically no information on percentile for adults from national or world health sources. I wager he is lower than 95th percentile for americans merely from personal observation.