Cigarette Butt Plug

What if we could find him an old steam car!!

One, the metrics thing is awesome. I had no intention of suggesting until I read that. I figured it would get lost in the forest, but now that it is quantified... participation shall be had.

It’s funny at first. Then I read the replies and saw he was serious. Then I got sad.

Tires. That is a balance I struggle with too. I commute daily, do I get a set of 15k touring tires or 3k supersport tires for that moment you just described? Due to cost, I got the 15k tires and hope I don’t need to panic stop.

Auction it. If there was that much interest you might make a grand or two flipping it on a national auction site.

I was referring to the three scooters in the box in the middle of the damn intersection.

What is going on here?

I don’t like Hillary. I will vote for her in the general. I won’t have any enthusiasm about doing it. She speaks like somebody installed a pandering algorithm in her brain that calculates statements based on what the polls say.

Well, somebody is going to die. It may not be the son either.

Fake lawns rock. Zero maintenance, no mower in the shed, no trimmer, no time spent mowing, no seeding, no watering (big thing here in the west, no aerating, no mower maintenance, gas, noise. High upfront costs that delivers over time.

A similarly kitted out Charger Hellcat does not exist.

I had that thought too. Just bought jeans and the optional armor. I always wonder why it isn’t included. Nobody has ever asked me if my knees are swollen, so the fashion reason doesn’t jive. They do feel weird for the first 3 wears or so, but you forget about them afterwards.

I still want an intake. I don’t care or believe it will get me more power. I just want to have a shot of hearing my currently silent turbo.

Lanesplitter is the best thing.

Can a car not pass inspection if the trunk “doesn’t work”? If so, that would have seemed to be an easy play.

This is not surprising. But don’t give the Gawker environment all the credit. You pump out more content here than I could find on three motoblogs combined before your arrival. And the content is goood!!

Don’t forget to swap it to RWD after you turbo the ‘busa engine. I’d love to see a spinning carbon driveshaft along the right side of the body.

Kitchenette is down. Which means my Monday reading of Behind Closed Ovens is gone. Pretty bummed about that.

I would buy it for $10,000. Looks like the perfect step up from my FZ6.