Cigarette Butt Plug

I don’t agree with number 9. The rest is good. To defend chassis lighting, it helps the riders visibility in profile view, making it easier to see them at night if the headlight is in a blind spot. If the headlight is in line with a car two lanes over on the highway a driver may not see the motorcycle and think the

I am a male ally for feminism. Jezebel played a part in making that happen.

I moved from Michigan to Phoenix, so I understand both situations quite well. Year round riding is one of my favorite perks of my new home. Give it a try.

Deleting the catalytic converter.

I ride year round, commute daily, and ride canyons. I love motorcycles. I also hate idiots who run straight pipes, no mufflers, or delete their catalytic converters. The sound isn’t nicer, just louder and obnoxious. It give serious motorcyclist a bad rap we don’t deserve. It is a clear sign that the rider is a selfish

Nice helmet. I have the same. Now I know how goofy I look riding with the face up.

As soon as I read 4.2 million mosquitoes I thought “That is a couple of orders of magnitude too low.” Reverse hyperbole from Doug.

Its bullshit. For sake of argument I wonder if a mesh garage door would be a good loophole. I want one so I don’t have to keep a constant eye on the dog when in the garage.

Passengers cant see the speed in an RX-8.

As a motorcyclist... F those guys.

Eh. Probably more about the skill of the programmer who did the launch control .

I think they will get faster, but not because of car manufacturers. The tire folks hold the key to this as it doesn’t take much to get street tires spinning now.

What do you see there? GM’s factory optioned chrome wheels as well as the chrome retainer line in the grill. When will you learn GM? When will you learn?

I don’t see a significant others car in there so I’m assuming you are doing this alone. In that case, sell both bikes. The only thing better than having a bike you love is falling in love with another one. Why settle for one or two experiences when you can have them all. Then, tow the car behind you in a Penske moving

Thanks for the response.

I was surprised to see you list styling as an issue instead of RHD. Have you become accustomed to RHD to where it doesn’t bother you anymore?

Something like this might work, but not for Apple. Apple has always made consumer goods, it’s what they do. Also, their core competency is marketing, design, and ease of use. Their marketing usually is to make their product a status symbol, businesses don’t like status symbols. If a customer walks into a super market

Car ads in general are the worst. Buying America’s most popular car is somehow bold, and a FWD, CVT, mid size sedan is a race car. It’s all bullshit.

Helmet: Bell Revolver Evo. It’s modular which is wonderful at stop lights or when my nose itches.

I can dig it.