Cigarette Butt Plug

An exception to the don’t touch another person’s things rule is if they break the first rule. If you put your bag in sideways, I’m fixing it. If you say something to me, I will do the same in return. And if the bag doesn’t fit correctly, I will leave it facing the correct direction and the flight attendant will have


My brand new car got a ding in the first 3 days I owned it. Less than 100 miles on the car. And I tend to park against curbs to increase distance to the next spot.

Double parking with a normal sized vehicle is never ok. Looking in the comments here the main supporting argument is “It doesn’t matter if the lot is empty.”. Well, If the lot is empty park farther away where like minded people who don’t want to park next to others will respect your cars space.

The Start/Stop button jumps out at me as being in a really bad location. I just see it being too easy to hit accidentally.

I’m curious how their dealerships are structured then. In ones that I have worked in the service director has to report his profits to the owner as does the sales manager. Their pay is also based on the profits or gross revenue of their department. This means that it doesn’t benefit the service director to comp a $400

Wednesday - Check. Doug - Check. Article - Check. Topic of Hummer/Skyline - No

Please tell us more.

Thank you for responding, but I hate your response. Have fun.

Why won’t Doug upload his non-car piece that was due yesterday? We are going to have to penalize 10 pts off your article for every day it is late.

The Founders put God in the center of this nation by recognizing Him as a giver of our rights.

Here’s one for you Jolie. Textile/mesh motorcycle gear, it gets uses every day, exposed to all the elements and is not machine washable. Furthermore, there is a large list of things you cant use because the material is there to save your skin from asphalt and thus can’t be exposed to weakening substances like fabric

How glorious would it be to rig an instant MPG gauge and display it on a large screen on the back of the Hummer? You’d be a total asshole to do it. But I would sure as hell laugh at the scene.

It’s Gas. No dice.

Yeah, I haven’t watched the video. I was merely responding why texting at a light is upsetting. How a person acts as a result of being upset about it is a whole different conversation.

You can get 1000 different answers to the lane splitting question. Here is mine. Lane splitting (as opposed to filtering at a light) is really only to be done on the interstate at peak rush. It is safer here because as cars accelerate and brake from 10mph to 40mph and back at each exit to make room for new cars

That’s not what I said at all. I invite you to point out where I said that. I answered why it bothers motorcyclist. Accosting never entered the conversation.

I commute by motorcycle everyday. And while I see the inattentive driver scenario as often as everyone else, it doesn’t get my blood boiling. What does make me furious is when people make a conscious decision to break a law other than speeding.

My line of thought is that the person is rarely done with their phone when the light turns green. They won’t fire off that text halfway through just because the light is green, they will continue to finish it while driving.

I live in Phoenix, Arizona. I’ll tolerate in home temperatures up to 83 degrees and go at least half the year with no AC or heat. That said, you would literally die in the summer without it. Our overnight lows can be above 90 in July and August!