
I had no idea that this community was such pearl clutchers.

I think that is a common theme across every position in the NFL. With that many people on a team, having an above average players is a pretty great thing. However, teams constantly act like not being a pro bowler is a sin.
“Pretty good season at qb, but Aaron Rodgers is better than you so we’re going to toss you aside

Zaza. Zaza Pachulia is to blame.

Left. Have the dominant hand free, and when in the car, prior to being able to connect to my car stereo, prop that left elbow on the window and cruuuuuise.

Yea, I’m glad he’s dead.

Footbaw, it’ll make a man outta ya!

I thought hockey players were tough, why didn’t he just get up and keep playing?

That’s why so few people have ever given birth.

How you know the game you’re playing is not interesting enough on its own: People are willing to fight over semantics, and everyone acts like it is normal.

Couldn’t find one that didn’t include the worst carry I’ve ever seen not called? There were plenty.

The ol’ “Got a bunch of speakers in my van my boss told me to get rid of for cheap” thing is still going strong in Austin, amazingly.

Since Matt Barnes’s retirement I had been waiting for someone to pick up his mantle.

Thank you Abueva. Now get hit by a bus.

They should put an academy there to prepare people for the show!

I guess he means Ben Simmons?

No one:
Ray Rotto: This desire.

At least they didn’t do the “slanty eyes” face.

I’m excited because I can walk to the stadium and the project is helping to complete the park along the water that will one day extend all the way from the Golden Gate bridge to candlestick.

The coliseum complex is garbage and is not a “part” of the city of oakland. It can hardly be approached by foot, and if it can,

true that

I just learned about the Europa League last week and I still don’t understand what it is or why it exists.

What about it looks reversible?