Sunoco actually has good coffee.
Sunoco actually has good coffee.
Please explain how THIS is biased? This product from sammy sucks..
you're fricken joking right?
ALU-MINI-UM so says the hipster
Would have been pretty bad ass if Felix would have said "NO F THIS, GO GO GO LIFT!!"and off he went
You just had to say something? I am sure it gave you a minor rush of endorphins. Possibly the most you have had in a while i assume?
stupid article. stupid stupid stupid. stacey dash is hot. hot hot hot.
Take that British brit faces!!! America, F yeah - -
forgot the "OOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" best use of one of the best GIFs ever :)
z0mg where is the vid to the freak out when ya need it?!
to sum it up,, Yes everyone is
i drive by it quite a bit,, was wondering what they are building there.
Just recently i have been hearing about Steve Jobs. Did he play a big role for PC's and cell phones? From all i know he made mp3 players, and he programmed that itunes software. ( does that run on laptops?)I like those iTabs and i think i may get one if they make a small one.
i lol'ed :)
lol stupid no0b stfu.
I swear up and down and on all that is holy, i went to school with a girl named "Penny Nickles" These parents dont think sometimes with the whole naming thing. "Richard Face"?
Question: Should they have used someone with better communication abilities with a clearly easier to use voice in the video? YES, but this is ATT, why would they do that..
Att has 4g and 4g lte