
Its scary when one tries to "weave" ( aka maneuver) religious beliefs into the scientific world. Thats great you are the right path of "FACTS" with frogs, but when questions become more intricate, I truly doubt your answers will follow the same fact based level as the frogs questions. Thats just my opinion based on

I drive 4 hours a day. Unlimited data is something i truly need and really can put to use. Speed is not even close to a requirement, as unlimited data is. BUH BYE CRAPPY THROTTLED UNLIMITED ATT DATA PLAN!


In your opinion. Do you always correct people on the internet?

more douchey hipster crap music. this is all terrible. do we need to post a sign here? "no douchey hipster speak or music"

i can do this with my poop in the terlet

Get back to work and make my dam iproducts!!

I stopped reading once i read " Al Jazeera"

..also, at 12:15. the guy had possible links to al-kaka, so there was no need to for them to mention killing an american. even here on US soil,there are people who are put to death for being very very naughty. this video, while interesting is very biased. its all in the wording and presentation.

al jazeera. lulz.

hipster douchey music. most should stay away from this - -

im terminating fiber optic cables right now!!can you see me??

Al Sharpton blames the newly discovered all white animals for majority of the oceans problems.

only 3 types, with mixes. what dont YOU understand?

he was insane. and not the good radically different insane, the crazy insane.



pros pro tip: eat more, fuck everything else and enjoy yourself.

MUDDA MERCY!! hipsters using beer cans for things and stuff. great vid bro -

Getting scraps from the master table? Heres one for ya, go build your own master table just like all the other successful people have. A L O T of people in this world have worked hard to have a piece of that master table. Its not my fault nor anyone elses you are allowing yourself to get "scraps" ( not saying you,