
I don’t even want to know what kind of human being doesn’t think of David Bowie at least once a day.

You're a Moron. Kaine, is an abomination of a pick, and the delegates should boo his ass off the stage. He's a bank deregulating, religious nut case, that belongs in the past. He's a fucking blue dog, a d that lot are, and always will be, the scum of the earth.

Thank you. I didn’t read the other pieces but finding Saunders thrown in was pretty shocking. Also not surprising. Saunders is one of the best writers today. He is genuinely empathetic and his ego, as much as he must have one, is not tied to what Jezebel would love for it to be.

“Ang Lee’s Hulk, a forgotten classic”

If you keep repeating it’s good, maybe you’ll believe yourself.