I just spent two hours playing Final Fantasy XV, which I can confirm is a real video game that actually exists. The…
The Dog and Cat Cams have been a charming way to showcase areas in development. I really like how open Tabata-san and the FFXV development team are being with this game, it almost makes one feel more attached to it in an odd way. I hope they continue with this approach going forward, it is most welcome. As for…
Everyone's gotta eat, so you might as well make it good. Today, we're launching a new section of Lifehacker called…
The story so far http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/C%C3%BAch…
Falafel. So delicious and scary cheap.
We've seen thousands of weird and cute and all other sorts of adjectives pertaining to simulators this year, but nothing looks quite as dull as this one.
- Item: Roomba 780
- Best because?: Best because I don't have to do shit.
- Where to buy: http://www.bedbathandbeyond.com/store/product/…
- Item: Roomba 780
- Best because?: Best because I don't have to do shit.
- Where to buy: http://www.bedbathandbeyond.c…
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who has read The Dark Tower series on this site. Hope has been restored!
Are you at all releated to Shardik the man bear, I think when I and you were someone else and not ourselves now I asked, wasnt Shardik something about bunnies and Eddie was just a dopefiend there by messing w/ the world and making it a Guardian Bear?
Or I'll wait for a flash sale.
I didn't go home for Thanksgiving this year.
Woah. Just wait till someone tells them that in Fallout: New Vegas, you could ultimately do the same thing... -___-
It is amazing how magically my skills improve after Valve does an update to the VAC software.
I imagine if VIII got a remake before VII there'd be riots, even if it makes sense. VIII looks better than VII so I imagine it'd be easier to adapt. Plus, VIII doesn't have to deal with all of the supplementary materials that VII has. Also, VIII is a lot less loved than VII, so they wouldn't really have to worry about…
This needed to be Final Fantasy 12.
Unhitch your cause, whatever it is, from #GamerGate. Its moved well beyond the point of redemption. Find another name, find another fight, find another way of expressing what you want ("ethics in journalism" or whatever— good luck with that) #GamerGate is done.
On the occasion of Kotaku's 10th anniversary earlier this month, I'd like to tell you all about a big change…
I work in the IT industry.