Get what? That he is an accused wife beater with an alcohol and immaturity problem? That he has been given multiple opportunities to get help but hasn’t used his millions to get it?
Get what? That he is an accused wife beater with an alcohol and immaturity problem? That he has been given multiple opportunities to get help but hasn’t used his millions to get it?
I was at a dealer the other day getting maintenance work done on my 2007 Miata and they had one there. I can't speak for your dealer, but I live in Tallahassee, Florida and if we have the car here, I'm betting they have them almost anywhere else.
Dang it pharmaceutical companies!!!
What help? Rehab can’t fix stupid. We’re talking about a guy that’s had multiple DUIs, domestic violence, felony gun charges and joked he had a bomb to the TSA at Los Angeles International Airport.
I would love it if a dealership advertised the full price of the car including taxes. If you tell me I’m going to pay x amount, I want to pay x. But then I show up and suddenly I’m paying x plus other stuff.
The store was small. We’re not talking a massive store. We’re talking maybe 100 feet wide (but probably way shorter). The store was longer, but still square footage wise we were under 2,000 square feet. Plus, we had to make room for paramedics by moving tables, chairs, it was a whole scene.
Could be worse. My university paid Edward James Olmos to come speak at our campus about being Latino and Hollywood. Instead, we got to hear him talk about how awesome the Prius is and how we should all buy a Prius.
When I worked in a store we had a supervisor that told us we weren’t there to safeguard inventory. We were there to take care of customers. I had super high customer satisfaction scores because I would replace phones that were in the grey as to whether or not to replace them.
That guy was an idiot. Repairs get 90 days of warranty. It usually covers only the parts replaced, but given the situation, he should have replaced it.
I worked at an Apple retail store. Our store was pretty small by Apple standards, but we offered all the traditional services like training. During a group training class around 12 pm a customer fell to the floor and had a heart attack.
The worst thing you can do is blame your partner and be selfish.
Well if Google’s autonomous car data is to be trusted, if that car hits you, it’ll more than likely be because of something stupid the other driver did.
I’m burnt out on all this. The players stupidly gave Goodell too much power and are now pissed at how he uses it. Basically we’re watching millionaires complain about how their millionaire boss treats them.
I like these, but $130 for gloves? That’s a bit much.
Not really. If it was done bu a YouTube personality trolling a stereotype I'll find it funny.
I get that having these on all the time is a popular thread, but that can’t happen. Storage is the number one issue at play.
Given that he’s an Eagles fan and it’s at 5 am, probably the part when he turns around, apologies, says how it will different this time because the Eagles have a real quarterback this season.
Vince Vaughn’s character is the only reason I watch. He does a good job of being good and evil. I want to root for him because he seems damaged, but ambitious. Everyone else is a forgettable brooding mess trying to be deep.
I pictured this exact thing. Some guy in an Eagles jersey kicking the robot for no reason.
I’m not the original writer, but I will say this, almost everyone does speed. Let’s not pretend like we don’t drive 5 over on the interstate and think it’s fine. Let’s also not pretend like if it’s late at night, you’re driving for hours and the roads are empty you don’t maybe go a little faster.