
I really like the acting in the show, but it’s so damn hard to follow.

Well technically robots are objects so she is objectifying and object.

I have never understood the attitude towards steroids and human growth hormones.

I moved to Tally for graduate school and my undergraduate university didn’t really have a strong football culture.

Yeah big bucks, like what $200? $10,000? For what? So I can forever have my name tied to Jameis Winston nude photos? I’d rather have crabs than be forever linked to him.

This is first and foremost and entertainment production. And some coaches are useful and give good information for those uninitiated to the sport.

I live in Tallahassee and the rumor mill is that the guy Jimbo’s wife cheated with is a trainer at Premier Health and Fitness. It’s been a pretty poor kept secret around town.

If by HD you mean 720p, then yeah you can use that for streaming HD video. But if you have 2 or more people streaming on 2 or more devices on 2mbps, you’re kinda screwed. Even Netflix recommends 5mbps as a minimum for 720p-1080p.

You can afford to say everything about our slow internet is overblown because you get 120mbps.

You did cover it as a throwaway sentence, but I’ll re-emphaize, check fuses!

No, I’m advocating looking for diverse people. It isn’t tokenism if they actually can compete. Just because you look for minorities and try to include them, doesn’t mean they are tokens, not if they can compete. And don’t give me that bullshit that if they were good enough they would be there bullshit because that

How about two minorities? Can we have a team that represents this country with 2 minorities? Just two? Maybe even gasp...3? Being we are a nation of immigrants, that only seems right since teams are supposed to I don’t know...represent their country.

Well we had a surge in the 1990s and 2000s in women playing soccer of all ages and races because of the international success of women’s soccer. I won’t call those teams out because the sport was new and developing and broadening in appeal.

How about African American women, Asian, Latinas etc. You realize America is more than just white people right? Because I don’t think our women’s team does.

Athletes don’t speak their mind? So that it isn’t athletes on ESPN, Fox Sports One, Players Tribune, every newspaper in the country?

So you’re telling me, that after the surge of women playing soccer due to the World Cup win in 1991 and 1999 we could not find talented Latinas, African Americans, Asian Americans or other ethnicities? I’m calling bullshit on that.

Yes let us all learn about what a real American team should look like from a woman on a team that is almost exclusively only white women.

I try to stay away from insulting the Germans. I like them and I love German women, but the age of consent in Germany is very low.

I went to undergrad in Fort Collins, the whole 3-unrelated BS was a pure money grab in my opinion. It basically meant that if you have a 3-bedroom and you have a girlfriend that lives with you, you will have a vacant unusable room. That basically just creates artificial demand for extra housing and forces people to