
Check out's podcast on insane deleted scenes from history. They do a good summary of it and a few other cool things. When I heard it, I was like what?!?!?

The most interesting to me involves Laura Ingalls Wilder and the murder that happened next door to her. She left it out of her biography, but later spoke about it.

Yeah, the people I've seen do these things were all fired within 3 months. Unless your bosses don't care, this won't work.

I'm a former reporter and I know my ethics didn't allow me to take anything beyond free admission to events and maybe a meal.

The issue with electrics isn't just physical construction and battery performance, but charging. There needs to be a charging infrastructure built and power plants upgrades to support more strain from at home charging.

Haha I'm buying my first Miata this week and driving it cross country. It'll be a 2007 touring hard top convertible. Any suggestions, tips, advice?

Whenever I see a photo of Von Miller I have to question what decade he is in. Because I swear he's from the 70s lol

does she have a sister? Haha just kidding

I wish I had your choice. I went to the only two dealerships with the cars within 1 hour drive (next one was 2 hours away). Both treated me like crap even though I already had a Toyota and was taking it in for service.

Am I honorary Jewish if I do Chinese food and a movie on Christmas too? Are there Mexican Jewish People? I mean we are both known for wandering around a desert hoping to reach the promised land. Would I be a Mexijew? Does Mexijew sound like the name for a good candy to sneak into the movie theater on Christmas?

You should hear the defense of him saying fuck her right in the pussy. His teammate told me it was because it was a dare from a lineman. Like he didn't have the balls to standup and say no that's stupid. And then tried to get me to be sympathetic by saying he can't even attend his one of four classes on campus

Oh Subaru treated me great. They didn't have an automatic BRZ, but they took me out in a manual with them driving. They rock! Freaking Scion is supposed to be about millennials and they treat us like crap when we show up.

Want to know why Scion hasn't taken off?

True but we're talking Alabama versus California. California is a huge state and one less college football team, especially in Stockton means nothing. But Alabama takes their football seriously because that's all they have. They have no pro teams so I wouldn't be surprised if legislators tried to raise necessary

Oh please, this isn't their last game ever. In a few years someone will resurrect the team, they'll start from scratch and be a mediocre team in a mediocre conference that no one cares about.

Says a white guy.

I have so many issues with his argument. I don't mind the disagreement, but his reasons are atrocious.

I wonder if you have parking nearby? If so, I think you have your housing issue solved. Just tell people to park their van down by the river.

It does. I was in one. I loved it minus that feature.

That's interesting. I haven't heard that one before