
This is why I never felt the need to do drugs... Real life, and things like this are more than enough, thanks.

“Somewhere, someone with a penis is probably just furious about it.”... Oh fuck off you petty feminist bastard. Created click bait filled with absolute bullshit to stir trouble. Seriously... GTFO.

Hey, that just means she had herself Cryogenically Frozen for Free. Simply move her Pod to the Cryo Corpse Center.

It’s so genius, Albert Einstein is spinning in his grave because he didn’t think of it! What a genius way to become an instant millionaire. Millions of players will pay just for the experience, most of them are absolute morons though, and will no doubt die very quickly. I wish I thought of making this game first.

Sounds like SJW backlash... The hypocrisy that it’s totally ok for gruesom acts of violence, but gratuatious sex, and pleasure “OMG NO WE MUST CENSOR THAT!” Total cultural hypocrisy. We live in such a violent culture, and it’s insane.

I say to them... GTFO. SexBots ARE our Future, and the future cannot come fast enough. Let’s be done with so-called “Humanity”... It never existed in the first place, and I can’t see it happening, ever. Even if “Charities” exist, Humans are too selffish, and truly barbaric. Laws clearly aren’t enough to hold people

I live in the UK, and I can’t wait to own a Hummer, because it’s my #1 favorite vehicle in the World! Question... If they don’t come with all the fancy modern tech you mention in the video, why are they so expensive? Would it be cheaper to buy a Military Humvee, import it, and then install all the modern tech to turn

It... is an inanimate object. (Well it moves, but it’s just an object all the same) It... does not have genitals. “Humans”... *Rolls Eyes*

Social Experiments like this continue to prove how dark “Humanity” really is... I have seen the same 99% response in games like Rust, and DayZ. Humans really are just Selfish, Greedy, Arrogant, and Ignorant. It basically just sucks being part of that one percent that is nice, and little too nice, only to be murdered

I noticed, and had to put my resolution down to a measily 720p, but I’ve ordered bigger/faster RAM, and Graphics Card to fix that problem. Seriously R*... Is it that difficult to lock Online Mode only, and leave Offline Mode open?... Get it together.

This makes me wish God, and Santa existed... :’(
But I guess I can save up, or wait for my birthday and hope. :)

You guys.... For Rule34’s sake! :) #NSFW

Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda... But didn’t.
But anyway... Why should one need to understand code to be part of that? Isn’t that what Hiring is for?...

Being ‘Jealous’ doesn’t even begin to show how I feel about Elon Musk... All my life I have dreamed about starting a business to do with Vehicles, and Space Exploration, and this guy comes along and steals the show. Life has been cruel to me, but at least I’m alive in a time to see revolutionary technology show the

Nevermind... I found it by removing everything after the first / Haha! :D

Is there an English button to view that Buran Website? I can’t find one... :(

Why on Earth could they not plant these two awesome looking Space Shuttles into Museums? I understand they might want to forget their shuttle program ever happened because it didn’t work out, but it is still an awesome feat of engineering, and should be appreciated for all to see! If I were a billionair, I’d have them

To be fair, if the American, and Russian government were not ignorant selfish morons at the time, we’d have people in Space, and on the Moon all the time around about now. It’s both countries fault for turning it into a petty race, instead of teaming up. It’s sad that even today, only the ISS is keeping the Countries

Oh, there’s a Gif right there at the top... The Gif ruins the whole point of the video. Why even post it? At least swap which comes first... smh

I’ll still Produce it, but it may not do that well because this track already has the same theme I originally wanted, and people will just comment “oh its been done before, boring”... I will now have to think about a different Terraforming concept for my music video. Thanks for cheering me on to get it done though! :D