
For those taking the 5 min a day to a new language route, my French teacher partner also highly recommends the app Memrise. I don’t know if they have as many languages as Duolingo (which I also use) but I have found the format of Memrise to be much less complicated.

This is semi-totally not related but it reminded me of this story I heard on NPR a while back (2012, ouch - why do I remember this). It was story about the idea that every man made technology ever made, you can still find. Here’s the link to the story:

True or no true - I have a buddy who to this claims to this day that Jordan had a whole separate ‘family’ from the wife and kids everyone knew about. This buddy claims that MJ kept this side chick in a fancy ass apartment at the Lake Point Tower. He has no proof of this other than he claims his mom used to live there

Before we all give credit to Trump for anything I would like to remind everyone that Toby and Josh had a better response to this when they did this bit on the West Wing.