
So why does everything have to be a video now? Why can’t I just read a list of these things with some brief description? I really hope this ‘video for everything’ trend dies soon.

Oh good. Another Android version name half the population can’t spell. Here’s to Google repeatedly throwing, “You searched for Android Marshmellow. Did you mean Android Marshmallow?”

Too bad they’ll kill off most of the main characters half way through the first season. Yet somehow, Oscar The Grouch will still survive.

Information Kiosk Tycoon

Since when does Giz reblog a blog aping an infomercial?

Came here to make the same suggestion. Probably way off, but it sounds about 61% plausible.

So, I’m sure this page is LONG dead by now, but just have to say, 4 years later, you’re still doing the world good, Melanie. Had a piece of software that, literally for about 9 months, wouldn’t function because it was stuck off-screen. Weird, I know. Anyhow, win+up arrow fixed it today. Thanks for being the good in

Why do the Project Loon balloons look like upside down Truck Nuts?

That link is very meta of you. Using Gizmodo to link to a Slashgear article that sources Gizmodo

Only thing he missed was the pentalobe screw. Other than that, pretty spot on :)

So besides my general disdain for articles about climate change, this was rather amusing to me.

Like. Like so...freaking...hard.

As long as this gets me my Dodgers on Fios, I'm happy. Anything that continues the standoff is bad news in my opinion.

I sincerely hope that I’m dead before eating bugs becomes a real thing in 1st world countries. Hopefully the massive amount of meat that I consume will facilitate that process.

Yeah, this isn't just for the MP. This is pretty much SOP for any law enforcement agency nowadays. Even probation officers.

Third Eye Blind - Jumper. Dual-channel ISDN. Napster.

Without getting too math-y, the average annual electricity consumption in the US is about 4 million megawatt-hours. So if I'm right in my math, they'd need about 7300 of these facilities nationwide to meet all of our power needs. That's not bad. Thats 73,000 square miles, give or take. I mean, do we REALLY need two

So is George Foreman in charge of product naming at Nvidia?