
Articles like this make me happy that my company has restricted my ability to install Flash on my work computer. Nobody needs to see duck liquification this early in the morning.

I swear, the first company that can muster up the energy and resources to build a comprehensive list of restaurants with operating hours, menu (with prices and descriptions; even pictures would be a nice touch), legitimate working phone number, legitimate address/directions, and any specials will make a killing off of

Deep pockets.

I know there's a joke in there about lesbians and landing strips, but I can't quite put my finger on...oh, there it is!

"And in other news, today marked an explosion in productivity for many markets across the globe. With the hacking group Anonymous' take-down of social network site Facebook, companies around the world are reporting increases in productivity of their workers by as much as 64%."


All that's missing from the advert is the moron's address. Then, it would be a perfect craigslist ad!

Best viral marketing campaign EVER! Columbia Pictures has really stepped up their game!

Is Ivy Bridge going to be a new chipset? Or the same H/P/Z67 as the Sandy Bridge cores?

I dig this kid; but in a way, it makes me sad. I wish I was anywhere near this enterprising and technologically capable at 19. This article makes me simultaneously root for @Comex and feel old and useless at the same time.

"I wouldn't be surprised if someone got a prototype and sold it to some enterprising pirate company."

You've stolen my heart.

Good. Now just turn the damn thing on, walk into the woods, and fucking catch Bigfoot already. Close that damn chapter already so we can move on with our life.

So will your phone fall into an infinite loop if you try to forward a chain email while inside this bag? Or does the power of the forward become exponentially increased? (chain email)^2

I agree. I much prefer the term "weak demi-glace".

Oh! Well that seems infinitely more useful than the device described in the article. Probably more technologically adept, too.

What's a BlackBerry?

Pepsi FTW!

Resolution != screen real estate. I'd much rather be reading text on a 15" screen than a 13" at the same resolution. Farther away, nicer on the eyes. Maybe not QUITE as sharp, but who cares?

My friends only live in the Google or the AskJeeves. What do I buy for them?