
Already covered by Diana Wynne Jones...

Ah, poor Yorick, I knew him...mmm whatcha say? That you only meant well? Well, of course you did...

Unless I'm mistaken, the article states the camera was lowered "through a crack in the ceiling". Does that not look like a hatch? LOST would have been so much less interesting if they went around stressing about what was in the "crack in the ceiling".

Nice cover. Too bad you weren't Casey Anthony's attorney.

I believe we can combat these with an izquierda, if I remember 9th grade accurately.

Finally. XBMC without a keyboard is a hassle at best. I'm just hoping that Comex and Dev-Team have something up their sleeves, ready for launch day.

I 100% agree with you. I recently "digitized" my entire DVD/VHS collection and simply torrented the set instead of ripping them. SO much easier, and much less time-consuming. I now have an empty bookshelf, a full HD, and XBMC on an ATV2 to make good use of them.

I got nailed for the movie "The Glass House" awhile back. I can feel your pain of having your downfall be something not worth getting...umm...downfalled (I'm assuming that's the past-tense of downfall) over.

I think I've solved it - "When first responders arrived at the scene of a crash on Indiana's Sam Jones Expressway" should read "When first responders arrived at the scene of a crash on Sam's Indiana Jones Expressway". That way, it makes complete sense how nobody died; Indiana Jones always manages to escape sticky

Why kill RIM? It gives Apple and Google one less brand to "and here's why we're better" with. More competition is good, especially when that competition is weak and you can exploit its weaknesses to your advantage.

I like what Taipei is doing with the required 7-day demo of the software. It's not like it's going to increase piracy in the slightest - if someone wants to steal software, they will, regardless of whether there are demos with time limitations or not. Let's hope Apple adopts this model for all software.

A few corrections...

biteSMS is a must. As is MyWi and My3G. Some of the effects like Barrel are a nice touch, and LiveClock and LiveWeather also make it a tad more polished, IMO. I think Apple's close to bringing me off the jailbreak bandwagon, but just haven't quite pushed over that hump yet. Bring LiveClock, LiveWeather and Barrel

...and I was just wondering what to have for lunch. I'll come back to the office sweating salt! Delicious, brothy salt!

I'm surprised the "curved glass screen" theory is still being bandied about, given Apple's presentation to the Cupertino City Council. I'm pretty sure it's obvious what those glass-cutting machines for curved glass were bought for. Steve said it himself, 'There's not a single piece of straight glass in the entire

I wonder if it's powered by a small Black boy living with an adoptive White family?

"Once wizened up to the virus,..."

Fantastic. Gawker fails again with their new redesign. Anyhow, it was an image of the schematics for the machine from Contact. Gotta love it.

How long before China finds this?

Somehow, I know James Cameron had a hand in this research...