
I like what Taipei is doing with the required 7-day demo of the software. It's not like it's going to increase piracy in the slightest - if someone wants to steal software, they will, regardless of whether there are demos with time limitations or not. Let's hope Apple adopts this model for all software.

A few corrections...

biteSMS is a must. As is MyWi and My3G. Some of the effects like Barrel are a nice touch, and LiveClock and LiveWeather also make it a tad more polished, IMO. I think Apple's close to bringing me off the jailbreak bandwagon, but just haven't quite pushed over that hump yet. Bring LiveClock, LiveWeather and Barrel

...and I was just wondering what to have for lunch. I'll come back to the office sweating salt! Delicious, brothy salt!

I'm surprised the "curved glass screen" theory is still being bandied about, given Apple's presentation to the Cupertino City Council. I'm pretty sure it's obvious what those glass-cutting machines for curved glass were bought for. Steve said it himself, 'There's not a single piece of straight glass in the entire

I wonder if it's powered by a small Black boy living with an adoptive White family?

"Once wizened up to the virus,..."

Fantastic. Gawker fails again with their new redesign. Anyhow, it was an image of the schematics for the machine from Contact. Gotta love it.

How long before China finds this?

Somehow, I know James Cameron had a hand in this research...

3D opinion - if it isn't shot in 3D, then it shouldn't be presented in 3D. They can use all the post-processing tricks in the world to make it seem as if it has depth, but it'll never look like Avatar, or how I expect Transformers: Dark Of The Moon to be.

Is there something "stronger and sweeter" than "eww!"?

As a manufacturer of phones (not a phone OS provider), I'd be much more afraid of Apple than Google. Sure, Android has significant market share, but it's spread across over a dozen manufacturers. Apple, while small in market share comparatively from a software standpoint, is leading (or close to it) in shipping of

Yeah, Kat, you're so avant-garde by eschewing Lady Gaga. Are you making $100+ million this year? Is it only your second/third year as a mainstream journalist?

Awesome. I'm fully expecting this to be implemented in their parks before any real consumer application. Just please, Disney, don't let it be Captain Eo. That would be creepy.

Woohoo! 15 miles from my hometown! Yet another reason that I can say that nobody should go to Mecca. They've always been the asshole of the Coachella Valley - now they smell like it, too!

I'd love to see the marketing for that...

iPad/iPad 2 get close enough, honestly. I can't remember the last time we've charged our iPad 2. The thing is a battery life behemoth. It would make the Energizer Bunny proud.

Seriously. And let us develop a simple, at-home test to determine whether someone is afflicted with it or not.