
I think I know someone that's an expert at procuring and delivering paper-based products...

Wow. I bet he was really cheesed off.

Wow. I'm really glad that this handy infographic was put together. I totally need to stop drinking water and milk. Suitable replacement? Coke and bleach.

*sigh* IRC. Those WERE the days.

I think Walter-nate and Faux-livia would know what to do...

*kicks self for not buying a second on launch day*

Seriously, dude, listen to everyone else. Sure, the unlimited plan might not be "useful" for you now, and you could save a few bucks a month. But when things go "cloud" with HSUPA+, you'll be sorry you dropped to the 2GB. Hell, once Spotify launches in the US, that alone will make it worth the unlimited plan.

All discussion aside, I have to say that when we picked up the iPad 2, the first thing I noticed is that the display is notably clearer. Setting the iPad and the iPad 2 to the same settings, side-by-side, I could tell that the iPad 2 has had some modification done to it to improve image quality. I am pleasantly

500 days, seven hours, six minutes and 56 and three-quarters seconds; 500 days, seven hours, six minutes, and 56 and a half seconds; 500 days, seven hours, six minutes and 56 and one-quarter seconds...don't make me turn this car around!

I've always wondered what a nuclear meltdown would look like, up close. I imagine it's like when you microwave a Hot Pocket too long, where all the stuff kinda splurts out the end. Except less hot, and less glowy than the Hot Pocket.

Well, this is definitely the second-most interesting article about alternative uses for power tools this month...and now a link to the most interesting:

Fantastic! It's like watching the extras in the background of a TGIF sitcom from the 80s!

I can only imagine how close the moon was when this happened...

Who's putting money on an Abe Vigoda/Betty White tape? I hear there's no better way to make a comeback...

@rjp is Vincent Van GoToTheBox: Hey, watch yourself, bud. That humor would bowl me over any day. You're getting into some really sticky, icky territory with comments like that. Where's the kind?

I think Tim Cook would take offense to that comment.

Wait, what? Why a meta-liveblog? Since when does Giz not get invited to Apple events...?

...he kept his head up for a bit too long?

He's a Taco Bell employee that moonlights as an ER attending. The health care industry is getting hit hard these days, I hear...