
Well, this is definitely the second-most interesting article about alternative uses for power tools this month...and now a link to the most interesting:

Fantastic! It's like watching the extras in the background of a TGIF sitcom from the 80s!

I can only imagine how close the moon was when this happened...

Who's putting money on an Abe Vigoda/Betty White tape? I hear there's no better way to make a comeback...

@rjp is Vincent Van GoToTheBox: Hey, watch yourself, bud. That humor would bowl me over any day. You're getting into some really sticky, icky territory with comments like that. Where's the kind?

I think Tim Cook would take offense to that comment.

Wait, what? Why a meta-liveblog? Since when does Giz not get invited to Apple events...?

...he kept his head up for a bit too long?

He's a Taco Bell employee that moonlights as an ER attending. The health care industry is getting hit hard these days, I hear...

If I could promote your comment, I would. However, I have a meeting with The Bobs to attend. Carry on.

FlapFlap lamp? More like FapFap where did I put that extra $265?

Lame. How are you supposed to trade your little sister $285, Indiana Ave. and your Get Out Of Jail Free card for Boardwalk and Park Place?

All layout woes aside (of which I have many), does anyone else feel like the one with the two chicks isn't so much angry computer women, but instead roughly the start to many videos available on more salacious websites? Not that I'm in the least bit complaining...

Anyone else have a momentary nostalgia when reading that article? Something about the number "14.4" brings up fond (albeit slow) memories for me. I can still hear the dialup tone in my head, at will.

At least we don't have to wonder what would happen if we took the teenage one out of his home and transplanted him to New York...

Sounds like it's not just a search engine, but a bad decision engine.

I wonder if they've got their top men on it.

I don't know why, but that video, in an unanticipated way, scares the living crap out of me.

Where the hell is Al Gore when you need him?