
This is GREAT!

So now, when someone steals my wallet, I'm out $825 in addition to the cash the thief gets out of it when he finds a hammer.

@xsbs: Are you sure?

So, I mean, we can basically say that Egypt doesn't exist now, right?

@jaredthelobster: I don't really know, actually. I'm just a sheep following the herd. My guess is that it comes from Twitter and is just a kind of meme.

The brush fails. I need a brush that's big and oriented in the other direction to push large amounts of snow off the roof, windows, and hood. This is the dumbest scraper I've ever seen.

Hooray for competition!

@MazdaMania: It should have been read "Mac haters." You don't deny their existence, do you?

If this is even possible, I need to revisit my understanding of what makes a sonic boom.

The most powerful weapon in his arsenal? The lightsaber up on the shelf.

I guess it makes me feel a bit better that the mountains of stupidity I find in internet comments are often made of the worst of people, not their true nature.

Yea, good thing we found it, or Sarah Palin would have even more blood on her hands.

@DroidCLHFan: The mark of the worst kind of fanboy.

@MrSmoofy: It's probably that engraving something is not the same as trying to bend and shape it. Those modifications rely on different properties of the metal.

@SkipErnst: The fact that blue brought up the tweet is interpreted by green (and we, the readers) as a passive aggressive/subconscious/subtle attempt by blue to let green know that blue knows he was unfollowed by green without actually having to tell green flat out.

I imagine this will be a different situation when internet providers begin charging by the gigabyte.

To the commenters below, how exactly is drag and drop better than iTunes music management? Why does everyone hate iTunes so much?

I'd much rather know "why" than "how." For the effort, it must have been pretty important to them.