
@kaffenated: Building a massive public transportation infrastructure is "simple" compared to throwing a few sensors in a car?

"has gone at sale" in the headline.

Hey, don't forget that they had the Product(RED) iPod!

I hate Apple so so much. It's such a shame that their stuff is the best around. For me, of course.

@Settings: The way this type of imaging is done is by taking multiple exposures and canceling out the noise using software. For example, you would take the same picture of the sky 100 times (more or less, I do not know) instead of once. Enhancing each image will bring out a lot of noise that looks like stars, but

Did anyone ever think that other life in the universe HAD to use the exact same genetic molecule structure as life on Earth?

@acasto: Explain how this will have any impact on religion or philosophy. To those fields, how is this any different than the many other aspects of diversity among organisms? They said "Goddidit" before and they'll say "Goddidit" again.

Why shouldn't we pay for what we use? It applies to absolutely everything else; why not internet?

@FriarNurgle: I'm considering making the same jump. Would you recommend it?

@Covertghost: Increased cost is a trickle down effect but not what net neutrality means. I was exchanging ridiculous for ridiculous.

@Slinkytech: You would have a person or group killed to pay less for internet?

Blargh blargh damn unions blargh blargh.

@Brdf: To be clear, would you include ALL unnecessary pleasures/conveniences? Your computer, modern home, car, furniture, etc were all created from resource harvesting and industrial processes that caused the intense suffering and death of a lot of animals.

@jesusplzhelp: Isn't the point that legalizing it will eliminate the need for drug cartels? OP wasn't saying that specific weed would be taxed, just the equivalent in legal weed that is actually sold.

@Unspellable: Denial of scientific consensus? Obvious misunderstanding of the word "theory?" Claiming to have a better grasp of "sufficient evidence" than people who actually evaluate the data as their life's work?

It's gotta be HDR video via two-way mirror.

"Context, convention, and circumstance are all."

It very very obviously is not in the same place as where the shot hits.