
I don't care how many Gs the network is; I just want a Verizon iPhone!

Goodnight, sweet prince.

Would it be possible/cost effective/reasonable/likely for them to create an LDA phone with CDMA capability?

Isn't it just sick when you are expected to pay for other people's time, energy, and resources? Man, what is society coming to?

I wonder why a plastic bag was better than a blanket or something like a pool of cotton balls.

You forgot to add the other possibility: that maybe it's an entirely fabricated story in a book of fables written by a bunch of bigoted desert-dwelling bronze-agers.

@ManekiNeko: If this were the case then we wouldn't expect to see the amount of absolutely incredible adaptations that we do in animals that help them to evade predators and catch prey.

@chauncy that billups: Oh you know, just the research and consensus of nearly every climate scientist in the world. Turn off Bill O'Reilly and read a journal or two.

It's over 9000!!!

@Tim Gee: Ethical treatment of animals is fine, but things like giving the president crap over squishing a fly is a waste of everyone's time. We all directly and indirectly destroy animals as a result of the comforts (on top of necessity) that we enjoy. PETA needs to get off their high horse and recognize this.

Wait...I thought we valued free speech...

@se7a7n7: Is it physically possible to have a 3D TV that can be experienced without glasses from more than one "sweet spot" location? I don't see how, but I'm hopeful that I'm wrong. These can only be successful if a family can crowd around in their normal seats in the living room.

@aydiosmio: Wow. I've been so wrong for so long. Good thing I never say "factoid."

@w00zzy: Listen to what you're saying - "What makes the scientific community the experts on science?"

Note to laypeople: Don't take this seriously unless it gets support from the scientific community.


@noisedamaged: If you do the calculations for how many frames it would take, I'll make it happen.

I can see this crap being worn by the same guys who wear Ed Hardy and too much hair gel.

@koldkalamity: So what do you do with the skin of the animals you use for sustenance? I'd think the most respectful, responsible thing to do would be make use of as much of it as possible.