
@waclark57: I am proposing that we not make claims about the things we cannot explain or prove without being able to explain or prove them (prove being relative - you can't "prove" anything).

A worm that emits EMP? I'm in.

@Justin Reich: Give me a break. Yes, loopholes happen, but look at raw numbers on taxes. You can't say the middle class will be doing all the paying every time something like this comes up.

It depresses me to think that relatively simple things like the human body, solar system, and the laws of physics require a designer, but really complex, omniscient, omnipotent, supernatural creator intelligences just happen.

@waclark57: Would the creator you are falling back on have more or less order and complexity than the universe you are using it to explain?

How much do you want to bet Apple puts a camera on there, but cripples it like a baseball bat to the legs.

I'm willing to bet producing this stuff creates more CO2 with the energy used to produce it than it can suck up.

@MJDeviant: I'm not necessarily in favor of the death penalty, but I think very few people actually believe that two wrongs don't make a right. If you are in favor of any sort of punishment, you are in favor of administering a wrong to someone who has done a wrong. Locking someone in a prison is a "wrong," wouldn't

@2 replies: So exactly how much oil would we have to spill before you think it warrants action to clean it up? Oil doesn't seep out of the ground in the way we've spilled it. It's like asking the plants to just take care of our CO2 problem as they have for millions of years; it's not that simple.

@Gary_7vn: I don't know, I just wanted to keep the chain going :)

Science and reason FTW.

Does anyone feel like this would be cooler as just a unicycle?

If broadband internet is so necessary for rural industry to function, shouldn't the market value of implementing such an infrastructure have no problem paying for it?

That's not .50 cal. Not a chance.