Welcome - long time reader... you know the rest.
Welcome - long time reader... you know the rest.
I regret I have but one star to give. Now just have A certain Jeep enthusiast write there and I’m set
How soon we forget the ultimate vehicle for this exact situation https://jalopnik.com/chevy-is-putting-its-new-401-hp-v8-in-a-van-1842213938
Gold Leader, starting my attack run. David, this is the definition of penny wise, pound (of rust) foolish.
In all fairness, I don’t think they’ve had an update to this truck in the last decade
I flew on Delta the other day and had a good conversation with the flight attendant. He was in favor of the union, but not necessarily because of any wage promises. His concern was on work rules that didn’t change weekly (or daily) and standardized seniority rules.
David - have you checked the roads in Omaha? They’re ... not good right now https://www.google.com/search?q=omaha+flood+2019&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjLq4q0qrThAhVqjIMKHZBGBlIQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=omaha+flood+2019&gs_l=mobile-gws-wiz-img.3..0j0i5i30j0i8i30l3.19170.20496..20957...0.0..0.228.930.0j3j2......0....1.zXgjFnLYK8w&ei=nN…
LS swap time? Seems like LS swap time.
I’ll just say that my Mom, who pulls a three horse trailer or hauls round bales 7 hours to my sister, uses her $60k-$70k truck to do so. Does that qualify for “your” standards?
Loved mine in my old 2000 SE Miata!
You mean 48.2%? Because he lost the popular vote.
Except all of those listed are as much car-based as the Explorer and Edge
This is the shot of the new Bronco.
If the courts find in Cena’s favor, it might be the first time a dealership actually helped out the “little guy” and protected them from the “big, bad manufacturers”.
I learned on a similar vintage F100 with a three on the tree. It was easy, given I had been driving a Massey since I was 10.