Schmoopie 1861

good meme

Speak for yourself and I’ll speak for the voters. Obamacare was unavoidable and necessary. Through Obamacare’s “failure” we will get to a public option.

If I had a million dollars for every time I said that I would be a billionaire.

Hard for me to share your light, carefree humor. I wish I could. I can’t. Life is a constant struggle between pain and boredom. My only reprieve from this despair is fleeting anger. Going back to Twitter now. Goodbye.

So I guess you get pretty crazy during thunderstorms.

The future is complete union membership across the worker class with government subsidies to make up for smaller or negative margins.

Nothing surprises me anymore. After the election I was in a state of shock for about a year. My anxiety increased to levels I had not before experienced and I became immobile, gaining more than 60 pounds. Most of those are gone now, but the fear remains. I feel kind of helpless. No, I feel entirely helpless. But where

To be fair there’s no reason to ever go back. We made it there first and that’s that. The conspiracy theorists love to point out that we’ve never been back but that’s only because it wouldn’t be an achievement these days with the kind of technology we now have. Flying across the world in an A380 without refueling is a

Pretty damning. Keep the heat on this Epstein guy and chase down all the loose ends. Pretty likely most of them end up in Trumpville.

My favorite conspiracy theory is that the moon landing was faked. There’s literally video of them landing on the moon. 

I’ll eat ice cream with you, but I think I’ll choose another flavor. Agree that we need to impeach and agree that we will impeach but disagree that we need to cower in front of our decision by saying “We really had no other option.”

Want proof that we’re winning on this issue? Look what Trump just tweeted. Sorry for no link just go check his Twitter. Emphasis mine.