
...I’m Jewish, why would I be polite about anti-Semitism? And no, that’s not how any of that works. Religion is different from those, because we can prove all the others are wrong. But religion is Schroedinger’s Cat. We can’t prove or disprove it, that’s why I lean towards Agnostic.

Especially 3 times the hope.

In any case, Saffron Colonial’s menu offers what Krantz has described in interviews: everything from a full English breakfast to huevos rancheros to Burmese golden curry. You can even nibble at crumpets as you imagine an Indian sun kissing your shoulders and the gentle breeze of a sweet-smelling palm (administered by

This is the first game on my 360 that felt “next gen” to me and made the whole purchase feel worthwhile. Steppng out of those sewers and into the open world and fighting fighting first mud crab is an experience I hope I never forget

I should write about this!

So many jokes to make about that. So many jokes.

They look like fucking trilobites.

*raises hand*

denial of service attack, duh!

Not exactly. He’s black because he identifies as black, but he is seen as black because of his appearance. Many, many white people would be or were shocked to learn that Rashida Jones and Wentworth Miller were both mixed race/black, for example. A friend of mine has mixed race nieces and nephews; her brother is white

Looks like it got a little too steamy.

Not sure rhetorical or not. But the Batcave stores memorabilia from various things Batman has done over time (basically Easter eggs from over the decades of Batman comics). This Dinosaur is from “Dinosaur Island”; an adventure Bats went on in ‘Batman #35, 1946'.

The best part of Civ 4 was Leonard Nimoy narrating.

Nobody cares about Mac gaming. Except Blizzard.

Possibly, the difference is that VR is a display tech, not a media format. I agree with your point! It’s just a bit different.

Well, he not only came at the cops with a knife apparantly to attack them (allegedly), but has admitted (I just read in a different report) that he has attempted suicide by cop before. So most likely, he didn’t intend to kill or hurt the cops, necessarily, but absolutely intended for them to think that he was.

I would be quite surprised if a police report did not use a victims legal name.

The game came out in 1996, when my friends and I were 10-12 years old.

Uhhh, isn't emotional distress part of the job description when you decided to become a police officer? It is literally your job to handle distressing situations. It's also the defense apologetics use when explaining why it's okay for you to kill unarmed civilians. This is an extra step of awful.

This could literally be a headline from The Onion.