
The captain crunch french toast was as abominable as it was delicious...But true terror came from its portion size. My order solely consisted of four of the fattest and greasiest slabs of sugar coated bread I’ve ever seen. As hard as I tried, I could not best that which was set before me...but I knew moment I started

I have never enjoyed something so much and at the same time been equally repulsed by it. These are way juicier than they needed to be. I had a similar experience when I ordered captain crunch french toast at Lucky Irish Pub & Grill.

I remember playing this game as a kid on the N64, I loved it, but I could never beat it. This remaster would be the perfect opportunity to revisit it!

2.0 is really fun, and the number of bugs is rapidly decreasing. But the art is just phenomenal, the detail the models and textures with the freedom the game gives you is just staggering and really enjoyable. Looking forward to more and it’s looking like updates are going to come much faster now.

Good to know. I was having visions of me buying a $30 ship only to get annhilated by Mohammad Abdul Shakur Awali and his 20 buddies. Also, I’m aware it’s not exactly a full fledged MMO but still. That’s one of the reasons I refused to pay a single cent for Clash of Clans and eventually stopped playing.

I’m excited about a lot of the new additions they made with 2.0, and plus they recently had a sale with one of their Starter Packages a couple of days ago for 29$ so I finally decided to plop money onto it. Having fun so far and can’t wait for everything to flesh out more.

Here come the comments about the development time.

It’s all starting to come together with 2.0, and it’s beautiful.

Monday or Tuesday morning. I mean, normally a weekend morning would be ok, but this movie has already reached $100 million in ticket sales. With just the presales it will have huge crowds.

See, 6 months is too damn far into the pregnancy for an abortion (in my opinion). Only in extreme situations should that be considered. I know that sometimes medical necessity would dictate that a doctor perform an abortion that far into a pregnancy. The sad part is...she probably wanted one from the jump but lived in

Why would they resuscitate it? Are you fucking kidding?

how very Smart of you.

Greatest thing since sliced bread. The Star Citizen project is not a game that comes out after 3 years and then it’s done. It will be a 10 year project that will add more and more features, update graphics etc. That’s why we pledged $100 million. This is the funds from all the people who played Wing Commander and

UPDATE! I got into a ship! Then someone else crashed into that ship and I got out.

Most backers don’t care about the time frame, they want the vision. And what they’ve released with 2.0 meets it at every level.

yeah, it’s not like they know more than a bunch of people commenting on a blog or anything.

I’m disappointed that this is a top-down shooter and not a simulator or some sort.

It would be really nice if we could all come to the understanding that people indiscriminately killing other people are not representative of whatever group they are a part of. Would really raise the level of discourse.