Metal.... As.... Fuck
I hope Necrocasm eventually gets a Year 2 variant so I can kill Oryx with a weapon made from the corpse of his son.
Read title; thought it was a post about Star Citizen sent from the future.
Fuck off about that. If we crucified every person who ever took a controversial stance on something, we’d still be wiping our asses with leaves and crocs would be okay.
Uh, are you trying to say the Inquisition was progress? And a good thing? Huh?
I gave birth once. Never again. Getting an episiotomy without anesthesia was the exact opposite of “magical”, lol.
Sorry but the only founders of this country were God and his son Ronald Reagan.
I think it means their deal with Sony prevents them from even acknowledging the Xbox versions exist.
Those cow boxes were hard to pass up.
Did anyone else read this meme in their head in Gilbert Gottfried’s voice? I know I did.
There’s also a difference between “You can strip search me” and “You can strip search me??!?” but it all looks the same on paper.
Okay, I know I’m a terrible Catholic, because when I read the title I assumed she strangled her mother with the rosary beads, and I thought, “Wow, those are impressively strong rosary beads!”
Whoa did they finally make one that plays like the tabletop game instead of warcraft?
I need this simply so I can have hoards of goblins I haven’t been able to afford since I was a teen...
The Holy Roman Empire lasted from 962 to 1806. The late middle ages are the 14th & 15th centuries. There's no contradiction.. When did you last check a history book?