Wasn’t there a supreme court case where a higher caste Indian man fought for and won the right to use facilities for whites back in the segregation era? Based on the fact that he was from a higher caste and therefore basically white.
Wasn’t there a supreme court case where a higher caste Indian man fought for and won the right to use facilities for whites back in the segregation era? Based on the fact that he was from a higher caste and therefore basically white.
Wow I had to look that up, but yeah she’s Indian from a Sikh family. There are plenty of Indians that can pass for white though, common ancestry and all that.
Oh snap. Time to call the Waaaambulance. Take the victim directly to the burn unit!
The smell of bats living in something is horrible. You never forget that smell. And in my line of work I’m often the first person to tell someone they have bats. At least its big money for me.
This is a thousand times cooler than any speedrun.
Star Citizen is gonna be so much better :p
Its either somewhere in the script or the filmmakers stated there ages to be 30 and 19.
It’s far more likely that she is Luke’s daughter.
They did have to put make up on him, he was a Mexican in the sense of citizenship not ethnicity, he was ethnically Spanish i.e. white. I’m sorry I don’t think all “brown” people look the same.
Wikipedia thinks you’re wrong, and so do I. I’ve never heard of it being common anywhere in East Asia or subsaharan africa. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_hair
He’s actually Spanish, not really Mexican, and they browned him up for the role, and no, i haven’t seen any Mexicans that appear as if they come from the subcontinent. And if all you’re concerned with is “passing” as then thats some racist bullshit right there.
Logic and reason folks, it is the light, it is the way. Seriously no one these days, liberal or conservative seems to be able to make a logically sound argument anymore.
Of course its not an accident, someone somewhere was having fun. Why else would that audio be recorded?
Well actually, he was white (his parents were Spanish, as in from Spain). So where does that leave you? As another commentor pointed out they darkened him up for the role.
A group of noted physical anthropologists conducted craniofacial studies of Egyptian skeletal remains and concluded similarly that “the Egyptians have been in place since back in the Pleistocene and have been largely unaffected by either invasions or migrations. As others have noted, Egyptians are Egyptians, and they…
Ramses was supposed to have red hair actually, many hebrews are described as having red hair as well.
Pretty sure all people who live where its cold as fuck dress the same way. In lots of fur.
Thats not how it works. For most of history the populations have stayed genetically the same. The Turks in turkey are clearly still descended from the original Indo-European inhabitants of Anatolia with very little Asian influence. (Oh yeah Turkish people were Asian, they’re from right next to Mongolia, look up the…
Because they were clearly Indo-European people. Aryan is the term for the Indo European people that went south in through modern day Iran, Afganistan and India/Pakistan. The Vedas talk about the Arus and Dasus (I forget the spelling its been a while) Almost everyone from Europe to India was and still is descended from…
The feathered serpent deity known as Quetzalcoatl to some and different names to others is often depicted as a bearded man with white skin. Which is why Cortez was viewed as this deity by some when he first landed in Mexico. This also has spawned numerous ancient alien/ancient civilization theories. The Caucus…