
I started back in the late 90s, got a starter set that included Bretonians nad Lizardmen and some cardboard buildings... Still have the minis from that, and all the books. I hope to one day dig everything out and make dioramas or something, right now my toddler keeps getting into my 40k box and messing with the minis.

Woa woah. Halsey wasn’t “rebooted” she always has been an evil monster. What she did to the Spartan IIs hasn’t changed. Her lack of ethics is the same. Its how she is perceived now that the war is over is whats changed.

I stopped playing WHFB years ago due to lack of other players, and a few years ago quit 40k because of lack of time and money, but damn if i didn’t keep everything and look over the old rule books from time to time. That age of sigmar nonsense pissed me the hell off.

The PC version of Warhammer (fantasy) will be Warhammer Total War coming out in April. As someone else pointed out Mordheim is a different type of game. Also, Warhammer fantasy doesn’t exist as such, the world ended (literally) and its now Age of Sigmar. You might be able to find the old rules and people who play it

Well I think your prefered genre is boring.

I don’t know about you, but my Destiny clan has a lot of Leeroy Jenkins moments...

Why does a British football club use an Eagle that is only native to North America? Are golden eagles all used up?

I don’t even want to know what Jezebel considers “good art” if you can’t even just enjoy dogs playing poker.

Warhammer 40k here, EVE do you even lift?

Is there a known bug with that feature, I have both levels of that perk and nothing is shared between settlements, or is there something I have to build?

I came on here to say you don’t get much more Irish than that surname...

It makes me sad that so many languages are going extinct, but it is a natural process, many new ones are undoubtedly forming, although who knows what the effect of the internet will have on that.

Languages are lost all over the world, that’s how languages are. They pop up and change to the point where they are no longer recognizable as the previous language or disappear entirely. It’s sad but its not a crime against humanity. There are a ton of languages in Europe that have disappeared entirely very recently

Having been called a hacker a few times over the years there is no better unintended compliment from your opponent (assuming you’re not actually hacking, in which case you’re a douche).

If a naturopath told you, its probably bullshit.

You’re someone who obviously doesn’t understand addiction. There’s a difference between drinking a lot and being an alcoholic.

If you don’t have a problem stopping drinking, you’re not an alcoholic.

The Mosuo aren’t a matriarchy, just matrilineal. men had all the political power. Read a few lines down from where you linked and it explains that.

Its really 0 %