
+ And a devalued Brazilian Real

Ugh, but a star none the less...


“Real” as in as real as cheaply produced direct-to-video movie can be? I don’t believe I saw it, but I’ll do my Googles now.

Oops; I think I read your comment wrong. My bad!

You do know what “Instagram Model” is the new euphemism for, right? (I’m all for anyone earning money they way they see fit as long as they can consent and this is not shaming.) Do you and let your ex enjoy his choices (good for his new lady friend whom I hope rides his bank account until the wheels fall off.)

Thank you for sharing this; I was never able to articulate how hurt my feelings were during and after the incident. “Hurt feelings” sounded too trite put it into words over the years, so I always kept it to myself. When we think of DV, we often think of slapping and punching. Strangulation has one of the highest

I know you meant well, but please don’t compare the wonderful Jim Varney to this guy...Mr. Varney was a class act, and “Ernest Scared Stupid” is on one of the HBO’s this morning EST. My niece, nephew, and their Nana (my mom) are super excited!

  1. Strangulation is one of the most terrorizing and lethal forms of violence used by men against their female intimate partners. The act of strangulation symbolizes an abuser’s power and control over the victim, most of whom are female. The sensation of suffocating can be terrifying; the victim is completely overwhelmed

Thanks for the insight. Sidenote: It was really well written, so cheers!

I vote trust fund or enabling parents; When I was an intern at an art collective back in college there were some super-entitled, minimally talent people who essentially “paid” for their space. One could either produce work to sell to support the space, time toward maintenance, or flat out money to rent a loft. The

My chortle was so satisfying...Thank you for this.

Thank you for the link; It reminds me of the infamous self-help sweat lodge accident:

It was all good...until it wasn’t.

Mr. Biglari is a trusted friend and ally of the Eggplant community. He’s done more for eggplant awareness and exposure than anyone in the last 10 years, and we resent your attacks on his character.

Please see SamBarge’s comment; Be well!

I’m hoping Botox.

I think you’re trolling; But hugs and have a great day...

I get it now; Thanks for clarifying

Can you clarify? I think that went over my head.