
That’s how some people (the producer) “make themselves valuable” to a production...By controlling access and info. How childish and it’s cool the director wasn’t a douche.

Gun show? My naive friend, that heater was probably from the streets. It’s WAY easier to buy illegal guns than legal guns and way cheaper. Westgate, Liberty City, West Little River and pretty much all of Dade County have been fighting the battle against illegal guns since the late 70s. If you want interesting reads on

Now that’s a read...

Allegedly, those Stars are paid for with a hefty donation to the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce...Now here’s some tea: In the early 90's when my sister was 21 she ran away to Atlantic City to become a cocktail waitress at a now defunct casino. (She’s back now with a great career, but I digress.)

She did the hard work...I just had the pleasure of reading it.

And BTW, I’m a woman of color and I’m not equating automatic marginalization with being who I am. Just saying so you won’t feel weird about what I wrote:)

I’ll warn you, some of the facts of the cases and photos are grisly. The inaction of many of the police agencies outlined may make your blood boil. But you will feel a little twinge of hope that SOMEONE was speaking for these women when they were often failed time and again by the people (family and so-called friends

Hey, I don’t know the particulars of the case and am only relaying what I read YEARS ago in a semi-tabloid type book. But knowing how Los Angeles-area (Malibu/Lost Hills) police agencies allegedly give preferential treatment to celebrities and have been known to perhaps “fudge facts” on other cases (*see the Mitrice

So, on paper it didn’t happen? Correct? But in life, she still hobbled into the Malibu police station with a busted lip and a story to tell. She just retracted it later? Yeah, I’m always gonna look at SP with the side-eye. (Haiti advocacy or not.) But thanks for the info!

So Madonna stumbling into the Malibu police station with a busted lip after allegedly being tortured for nine hours didn’t happen?

Exactly! PLEASE keep telling the truth!

I’m not trying to co-opt the moment, but her online work and advocacy to find the killers of young women of color and poor women re: Unsolved and “Cold” cases were almost second to none. The exhaustive work of her blog along with her ability to gently but firmly take police and investigative agencies to task for their

Drunk? That’s a “middle-aged wealthy woman wasted on Opioids” fall.

You know what’s delightful? They REALLY think their votes matter! With all the Super PACs and Private Donors, if Trump is on the ticket and even adds his own Admiral Stockdale, he’ll hold no power over Congress if elected and will have alienated both parties. Thus, more gridlock and even less economic help/support for

Again, accomplishing more in her life in a day than many under-exposed, bigoted morons do in their entire lifetime. Tell her to keep moving forward/Keep being fantastic!

Which further perpetuates the narrative of the “Deceptive Trans” plotting to “take advantage of them.” (And in their addled minds they just KNOW these women are coming after them...because T-Girls all over the World are pining for their hot Alabama bodies.)

I am SO glad this is happening. It was a matter of time until these “laws” would be bastardized and used as a means to perpetuate misogyny. (Which is what they were really crafted for in the first place; Along with wedge-issue homophobia to be used as distraction from the sh*tshow economies and massive

I recall reading years ago when I was in Junior High and watched ALL the ABC Soaps (#UncleTrevor) that Kelly is self-conscious about not having the level of education of other people in her circle. I think she wants the Hampton’s patina (the WASP trappings, etc.) but she still feels like someone “from South Jersey”

Her contract is up at the end of 2016-2017 so I really don’t know what’s she’s doing. She has that townhouse mortgage to pay as well as the Hampton’s house and Mark rarely works. I really don’t have a dog in this fight, but I’d prefer if she kept it perky and full of morning TV sunniness even if she has to fake it.

Here’s real American WASPy: