Oh, you’re saying she ‘wanted’ to tell Tom to “f*ck off,” but maybe didn’t (for whatever reason) and then espouses “empowerment” when she’s not even really empowered herself?
Oh, you’re saying she ‘wanted’ to tell Tom to “f*ck off,” but maybe didn’t (for whatever reason) and then espouses “empowerment” when she’s not even really empowered herself?
I will have to rewatch more objectively; I admit I was MAD within the first 20 minutes. What’s clear is that no one (Republicans, Democrats, Angela Wright’s lawyer, the Judiciary Committee) looks good in this thing. I also feel Kerry Washington’s performance was great, but that she kind of played Ms. Hill as a sad…
Okay, so here’s the thing: On the show Erika has made it clear that she loves Tom and that they’ve been together for more than 15 years and that she knows her rights under California Community Property Settlement law re: dissolution of marriage, etc. I really believe she’s there because she wants to be. It feels weird…
TY...Wish it never happened to Ms. Hill in the first place/At all to any woman, anywhere. (Ugh, I need some Nutella or something right now.)
See, I’m still totally naive...I didn’t even think of that. I believe you’re right.
I hate to spam a post, but the message was a sing-songy, passive-aggressive “You should apologize for what you did to my husband” message. Not a question or request, but a demand. How blindingly myopic and semi-delusional is a person to even dream of doing that?
I believe it was his attempt to make sure there was no ambiguity and that the actual info was on the record. It made me squirm, but was necessary.
You know what’s funny about the movie? It wasn’t skewed toward either side, but was more of a dramatized retelling of history. In that way, the facts are jaw dropping. I sat there for the entire almost 2 hours without turning the TV or getting up for a break. Were it not for the dynamic between she and Prof. Ogletree…
Can you explain that to me? is the goal to seem so cute and helpless that some type of “save-a-girl” guy will arrive and take care of her? (No judgment because I think that’s how she was raised and those are hard habits to shake.)
I didn’t do well at cotillion (I was always trying to lead) so no, I don’t believe I’m his type.
But sadly for some really horrible people, it is...
You mean like this? (Allegedly.)
She made a big mistake with that guy. But her wig is fire, though!
Is there an “elite” who all know each other via the same private clubs, prep schools, Ivy League colleges, investor conferences, etc. Yes? Do they control the world’s wealth and live lives of unimaginable privilege and access? Absolutely. But they’re not hidden. They just use a cocoon of comfort and power to stay off…