
awwww, I must’ve hurt poor little marky boy’s feelings! poor poor little widdle marky pooh... ROTFL

Nice rant, Hanki. Now if you could just wipe the foam from the corners of your mouth, I suggest you actually do a little homework, otherwise known as (gasp!) “Googling.” You’ll find that my experience with the high fat diet (yes, coupled with not having a sedentary, carb-saturated lifestyle) is far from being an

lol, I hit the nail on the head, didn’t I? You doth protest too much, lard-ass.

*Direct personal experience* trumps all the hopelessly flawed nutritional studies (and I’ve read most of the major nutritional studies, including the much touted China Study and the Harvard SPH studies) which are full of made-up compensatory formulas, relying on subjects’ recall of past food intake, etc. So until YOU

I hope the “nonfat Greek yogurt” you’re eating is just plain nonfat, not some fruit-flavored “nonfat yogurt” that has the same sugar content as a Snickers bar or can of Coke. Why not just eat full fat Greek yogurt (I know, it’s not so easy to find, sadly enough) and throw in some walnuts or almonds instead of the

“Fat for breakfast does not at all give you 2-4 hours of energy. Period. It’s the caffeine.” WRONG. I used to drink coffee without butter, PLUS eat a typical high carb breakfast (oatmeal with nuts and fruit and milk) and I was much hungrier much faster, plus I was typically sleepy about an hour later when the initial

Just because Dave Asprey is full of shite (which was obvious from the get-go) doesn’t mean that a high fat diet is a bad thing. Whether you use pastured butter, coconut oil, or MCT oil, having a solid dose of fat in the morning with your caffeine instead of some sugar bomb (breakfast cereal, plain fruit, muffins,

Surely there must be an unsweetened, low-carb version? (And I don’t mean using fake sugars, either.)

I find red wine to be undrinkable after about 2-3 days in the fridge, re-corked. Would storing it in a “cool dark place” make any difference?

Problem with this calculator is that it’s comparing MSRP of hybrids to non-hybrids. In real life, the top hybrids like the Prius are sold at or sometimes even above MSRP while non-hybrids can be had for up to 25% off MSRP if you buy at the right time of year (usually late summer, when next year models are being rolled

Kryptonite u-locks? I could’ve sworn that the last time Lifehacker ran an article on this subject, it was On Guard u-locks that came out on top. Hmmmmmm.

Where’s Nissan, Mazda, and Subaru? GMC, Chevrolet, Mitsubishi and M-Benz??? Dubious list!

It depends on HOW you wash dishes. Something few people do these days is use a pair of dish pans, one with about 3-5” of warm/hot soapy water for scrubbing and one with warm plain water for rinsing (you can add a 3rd pan of water with a dash of bleach in it to disinfect if you’re really anal). You end up using very

I can’t remember the last time I used Times New Roman on a resume...pretty much use Arial for just about everything, including all my personal writing and correspondence. I figure that people who read resumes are probably already grumpy from scan-reading all day, so might as well make the scanning a little bit easier

“if you have a proper exercise regimen, they may help you maintain a high level of energy.”

“Train SMART” works much better than just “Train hard.” This is true with most things. When I first started lifting in my early 20s, I’d spend 2-3 hours at a time in the gym, 4-5 days a week. Over 2 decades older, my workouts are only 30-45 minutes and 1-2 days a week...and I actually have better strength and less

This article is crazily skewed in favor of merino, merino, and more merino.

For those of us on less extravagant budgets, it's a lot simpler: base layer can be any synthetic wicking fabric, mid-layer can be a synthetic fleece or another synthetic layer or even cotton, and the outer layer most definitely should be some

If anything, during my alcoholic-sleeparound years I had women get off on me while I was drifting in and out of consciousness much more often than vice versa. Did I ever once feel "raped?" Hell no. Did anybody ever feel violated? Hell no. Maybe this is a generational thing...most of my hookups became lovers and

Well obviously if they are throwing up or otherwise violently ill you darn well should get medical help. That's a whole other kettle of fish.

What I'm talking about is: if both of you have been drinking heavily, and one of you just happens to doze off or pass out (frankly, it can be very hard to tell the difference in

Let me get this straight: so if two people are in the middle of consensual sex and one of them happens to pass out, the other one is expected to immediately extract him/herself and walk away, OR BE CONSIDERED A "RAPIST???"

That has got to be the single most absurdly over-thinking, technocratic, anal-retentive and